Page 130 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 130

INNOVATIVE                                                        INNOVATIVE                                                         CROSSTEX ULTIMATE™
        DERMASSIST® COATS™                                                PRODERM™ POWDER-                                                   LEFT/RIGHT FITTED
        POWDER-FREE LATEX                                                 FREE EXAM GLOVES                                                   GLOVES - LATEX
                                                                          Polymer bonded interior                                            Left & right fitted powder
        COATS™ barrier technology is a                                    and lightly textured surface,                                      free gloves. Anatomically
        totally powder free, all-natural physical barrier between the     engineered to be slightly thinner for incredible tactile           correct shape allows greater
        glove surface and the wearer’s skin, utilizing the anti-irritant  sensitivity and comfort. Unique online polymer process             blood flow to overworked
        and anti-inflammatory properties of colloidal oatmeal. In         creates a glove that is very easy to don without the use of        muscles which helps relieve sore tired hands. Proven to help
        our COATS™ gloves, the colloidal oatmeal barrier not only         chlorination and very comfortable for extended wear.               stop hand irritation. Enhanced grip due to textured surface.
        shields the skin surface, it also creates a moisturizing, and pH                                                                     Manufactured to surgeons standards for your protection.
        balancing environment that helps dry, damaged skin to repair      155050   Gloves, Exam, X-Small, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,
        itself, and helps to keep healthy skin healthy. And healthy skin  155100   Textured, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                19071  Glove, Textured, Powder Free, Size 6 1/2, 50
        is the body’s best defense against infection. What a naturally    155200   Gloves, Exam, Small, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,              19072  pairs/bx, 10 bx/cs
        great idea!                                                       155300   Textured, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                19073  Glove, Textured, Powder Free, Size 7, 50 pairs/
                                                                          155350   Gloves, Exam, Medium, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,             19074  bx, 10 bx/cs
        124050  Gloves, X-Small, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,                     Textured, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                19075  Glove, Textured, Powder Free, Size 7 1/2, 50
        124100  Colloidal Oatmeal, Therapeutic, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                   Gloves, Exam, Large, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,                     pairs/bx, 10 bx/cs
        124200  Gloves, Small, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,                       Textured, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                       Glove, Textured, Powder Free, Size 8, 50 pairs/
        124300  Colloidal Oatmeal, Therapeutic, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                   Gloves, Exam, X-Large, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,                   bx, 10 bx/cs
        124350  Gloves, Medium, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,                      Textured, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                       Glove, Textured, Powder Free, Size 8 1/2, 50
                Colloidal Oatmeal, Therapeutic, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                                                                                    pairs/bx, 10 bx/cs
                Gloves, Large, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,
                Colloidal Oatmeal, Therapeutic, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs          ANSELL MICRO-TOUCH®                                                CROSSTEX ULTRA PLUS
                Gloves, X-Large, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,            LATEX POWDER-FREE                                                  GLOVES - LATEX
                Colloidal Oatmeal, Therapeutic, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs          MEDICAL EXAMINATION
                                                                          GLOVES                                                             Smooth, bisque finish glove, no
        INNOVATIVE PULSE®                                                                                                                    pigment. Polmer lined, Non-
        LATEX POWDER-                                                     Outstanding fit and comfort.                                       chlorinated, doubloe washed
        FREE EXAM GLOVES                                                  Powder-free. Excellent touch                                       inside and out.
                                                                          sensitivity. Quality engineered. XP provides extra protection
        Engineered to be slightly                                         with longer cuffs.                                                 MLCP   Glove, Powderless, Large, 100/bx, 20 bx/cs
        thinner for superior                                                                                                                 MMCP   Glove, Powderless, Medium, 100/bx, 20 bx/cs
        tactile sensitivity. Online                                       6015300  Exam Gloves, X-Small, 150/bx, 10 bx/cs                    MSCP   Glove, Powderless, Small, 100/bx, 20 bx/cs
        chlorination provides superior gripping ability and results in    6015301  Exam Gloves, Small, 150/bx, 10 bx/cs
        very soft gloves with a clean white color. Excellent donning      6015302  Exam Gloves, Medium, 150/bx, 10 bx/cs
        properties and comfort.                                           6015303  Exam Gloves, Large, 150/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                          6015304  Exam Gloves, X-Large, 150/bx, 10 bx/cs
        151050  Gloves, Exam, X-Small, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,                                                                               MOLNLYCKE BIOGEL®
GLOVES  151100  Textured, Online Chlorination, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs           ANSELL MICRO-TOUCH®                                                DIAGNOSTIC™ GLOVES
        151200  Gloves, Exam, Small, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,              STYLE 42® NEXTSTEP™
        151300  Textured, Online Chlorination, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs           POWDER-FREE LATEX                                                  Recommended for all clinical
        151350  Gloves, Exam, Medium, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,             EXAM GLOVES                                                        procedures. Non-sterile,
                Textured, Online Chlorination, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                                                                              powder-free natural rubber
                Gloves, Exam, Large, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,              Powder-free to help prevent                                        latex with Biogel® coating on
                Textured, Online Chlorination, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs           powder-related complications. Pastel green natural                 the inner surface. Beaded
                Gloves, Exam, X-Large, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,            rubber latex. Non-sterile. Enhanced with the moisturizer           cuff for added security. Industry leading AQL freedom from
                Textured, Online Chlorination, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs           glycerol. Excellent tactile sensitivity, durability and strength.  holes of 0.65. Powder-free to eliminate starch powder-
                                                                          Ambidextrous with a beaded cuff.                                   related complications. Minimizes risk of allergic reactions to
                                                                                                                                             aerosolized natural rubber latex proteins.
                                                                          3200 Exam Gloves, X-Small, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs
        INNOVATIVE                                                        3201 Exam Gloves, Small, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                          30355  Diagnostic Glove, Size 5 1/2, Non-Sterile, Latex,
        DERMAGOLD® PF                                                     3202 Exam Gloves, Medium, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                         30360  Powder Free, 25/bx, 6 bx/cs
        NON-CHLORINATED                                                   3203 Exam Gloves, Large, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                          30365  Diagnostic Glove, Size 6, Non-Sterile, Latex,
        POWDER-FREE LATEX                                                 3204 Exam Gloves, X-Large, 80/bx, 10 bx/cs                         30370  Powder Free, 25/bx, 6 bx/cs
        EXAM GLOVES                                                                                                                          30375  Diagnostic Glove, Size 6 1/2, Non-Sterile, Latex,
                                                                          CROSSTEX FRICTION                                                  30380  Powder Free, 25/bx, 6 bx/cs
        Polymer bonded interior provides excellent donning without        GRIP™ AMBIDEXTROUS                                                 30385  Diagnostic Glove, Size 7, Non-Sterile, Latex,
        the use of chlorination. Smooth surface provides good             TEXTURED GLOVES -                                                  30390  Powder Free, 25/bx, 6 bx/cs
        gripping characteristics without tackiness. A very soft glove     LATEX                                                                     Diagnostic Glove, Size 7 1/2, Non-Sterile, Latex,
        with excellent elasticity.                                                                                                                  Powder-Free, 25/bx, 6 bx/cs
                                                                          Proven to help stop hand                                                  Diagnostic Glove, Size 8, Non-Sterile, Latex,
        153050  Gloves, X-Small, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,            irritation. Enhanced grip                                                 Powder Free, 25/bx, 6 bx/cs
        153100  Smooth, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                  due to textured surface.                                                  Diagnostic Glove, Size 8 1/2, Non-Sterile, Latex,
        153200  Gloves, Small, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,              Manufactured to surgeons standards for your protection.                   Powder Free, 25/bx, 6 bx/cs
        153300  Smooth, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                                                                                            Diagnostic Glove, Size 9, Non-Sterile, Latex,
        153350  Gloves, Medium, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,                                                                                       Powder Free, 25/bx, 6 bx/cs
                Smooth, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs
                Gloves, Large, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,              19040    Glove, Textured, Powder Free, Small, 100/bx, 10
                Smooth, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                  19041    bx/cs
                Gloves, X-Large, Exam, Latex, Non-Sterile, PF,            19042    Glove, Textured, Powder Free, Medium, 100/bx,
                Smooth, Polymer Bonded, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                  19043    10 bx/cs
                                                                                   Glove, Textured, Powder Free, Large, 100/bx,
                                                                                   10 bx/cs
                                                                                   Glove, Textured, Powder Free, X-Small, 100/bx,
                                                                                   10 bx/cs

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