Page 166 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 166

OCP02-320  OCP04-128  OCS12-024                             BEAUMONT CITRUS II GERMICIDAL                                     SULTAN LYSOL® I.C.™ BRAND FOAMING
                                                                                 DEODORIZING CLEANER                                               DISINFECTANT CLEANER
              A 3 minute, highly effective cleaner and disinfectant for use in   CITRUS II Germicidal Deodorizing Cleaner                          Ready-to-use quaternary formula cleans,
              intensive care and high-risk patient care areas, surgical suites,  deodorizes, and disinfects surfaces,                              disinfects and deodorizes. Effective against HIV-1,
              infant care units, plasma pheresis facilities and other areas      equipment, and non-critical instruments. A                        Poliovirus Type 1, Staphylococcus, Salmonella
              where strict environmental control of cross contamination          broad spectrum germicidal cleaner, effective                      and Pseudomonas on hard, nonporous surfaces.
              is critical. May be applied directly to surfaces or used as an     as a bactericide, fungicide, and virucide,                        Contains no harsh acids, abrasives or bleach. Clings
              immersion solution.                                                including Hepatitis B and C, HIV-1 (the Virus                     to vertical surfaces. Fresh, pleasant fragrance.
                                                                                 that causes AIDS) and Tuberculosis, with
                                                                                 excellent residual biocide action. Itís also                      95524    Foaming Disinfectant Cleaner, 24 oz, 12/cs
                                                                                 effective against mold and mildew. An EPA-
              MOCP01-1920 Opti-Cide3 Disinfectant, 15 Gallon Keg,                registered, non-alcohol formula contains no toxic chemicals       SULTAN PROFESSIONAL LYSOL® BRAND
              MOCP12-024 Opti-Cide3 Disinfectant, Pour Bottle with Flip Cap,     such as phenols or glutaraldehydes, and is tested safe for a      DISINFECTANT FOAM CLEANER
                                                                                 variety of surfaces including vinyl and naugahyde. Itís non-
                              24 oz, 12/cs                                       acidic, non-corrosive, and non-staining. Citrus II is ready-to-   Kills Staph, Salmonella, Pseudomonas and other
              OCP01-3840 Opti-Cide3 Disinfectant, 30 Gallon Drum                 use so thereís no inconvenient mixing, dilution, or activation    harmful germs on hard, nonporous surfaces.
              OCP01-7040 Opti-Cide3, 55 Gallon Drum Disinfectant                 required as with concentrates. Refreshing citrus scent keeps      Effective against HIV-1 (AIDS Virus). Cleans, shines,
              OCP02-320 Opti-Cide3 Disinfectant, 2 1/2 Gallon & Spigot, 2/cs     the facility smelling clean and fresh.                            disinfects and deodorizes. Prevents growth of
              OCP04-128 Opti-Cide3 Disinfectant, 1 Gallon Pour Bottle, 4/cs                                                                        damaging mold and mildew on hard nonporous
              OCP04-128RI Opti-Cide3, 1 Gallon, Rust Inhibitor, Instrument       633712927 Deodorizing Cleaner, 22 oz Spray Bottle, 12/cs          surfaces. Rich foam contains detergents and other
                                                                                 633712928 Deodorizing Cleaner, Gallon Refill, 4/cs                grease-cutting agents and clings to vertical surfaces.
                              Disinfectant, Pour Bottle, 4/cs                                                                                      Unique aerosol valve allows spraying from any
              OCS12-008 Opti-Cide3 Disinfectant, 8 oz, Finger Pump Spray                                                                           position - even upside down. Meets AOAC efficacy
                                                                                                                                                   standards for hospital aerosol disinfectants.
                              Bottle, 12/cs
              OCS12-024 Opti-Cide3 Disinfectant, 24 oz Spray Bottle, 12/cs                                                                         72775    Disinfectant Foam Cleaner, 24 oz, 12/cs

              SULTAN LYSOL® I.C.™ QUATERNARY                                                          58344392 58344650 58344675                   SULTAN PROFESSIONAL LYSOL® BRAND
              DISINFECTANT CLEANER                                                                                                                 DISINFECTANT SPRAY
                                                                                 BUNZL/RECKITT LYSOL® PROFESSIONAL
              Concentrate. Effective cleaner and disinfectant                    DISINFECTANT SPRAY                                                Effective against HIV-1 (AIDS Virus) and hydrophilic
              that kills odor-causing bacteria. Highly                                                                                             viruses such as Poliovirus Type 1 and Hepatitis
              concentrated, cost-effective formula dilutes at                    Kills 99.9% of germs on hand, non-porous surfaces within 30       A. Kills germs and eliminates odors on hard,
              1:256. Virucidal, fungicidal and bactericidal.                     seconds. Formula is tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal and     nonporous surfaces. Formula is tuberculocidal,
              Effective against HIV-1, VRE, MRSA and                             bactericidal. Effective against HIV-1 (AIDS Virus), Poliovirus    virucidal, fungicidal and bactericidal. Prevents
              other gram-positive as well as gram-negative                       Type 1 and Hepatitis A. Prevents odors and growth of              odors and growth of damaging mold and mildew.
              microorganisms. Neutral pH in use.                                 damaging mold and mildew. Meets AOAC germicidal spray             Meets AOAC efficacy standards for hospital
                                                                                 product test standards for hospital aerosol disinfectants. Meets  aerosol disinfectants. Meets the requirements
                                                                                 the requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard        of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard for
                                                                                 for Decontamination. EPA Registration No: 777-72-675.             Decontamination.

              74983  Quarternary Disinfectant Cleaner (concentrate),             58344276  Disinfecting Spray, 19 oz, Country Scent, 12/cs
                     Gallon, 4/cs                                                58344392  Lysol Antibacterial All Purpose Cleaner, Gal, 4/cs
                                                                                 58344650  Lysol Disinfecting Spray, 19 oz, Original Scent, 12/cs
              SULTAN PROFESSIONAL LYSOL® BRAND                                   58344675  Disinfecting Spray, 19 oz, Fresh Scent, 12/cs           74276    Disinfectant Spray, Country Scent, 19 oz, 12/cs
              DISINFECTANT CLEANER                                               58344828  Disinfecting Spray, 19 oz, Crisp Linen, 12/cs           74650    Disinfectant Spray, Original Scent, 19 oz, 12/cs
                                                                                 58344983  Lysol Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate,      74675    Disinfectant Spray, Fresh Scent, 19 oz, 12/cs
              74278  Disinfectant Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 32 oz, 12/cs                        4/cs                                                    74828    Disinfectant Spray, Crisp Linen Scent, 19 oz, 12/cs
                                                                                 58345029  Lysol I.C. Disinfecting Spray, 19 oz, 12/cs
              SULTAN PROFESSIONAL LYSOL®                                         58345080  Lysol Foam Cleaner Aerosol Disinfectant, 24 oz,
              BRAND DISINFECTANT HEAVY DUTY                                                12/cs
              BATHROOM CLEANER                                                   58345524  Lysol I.C. Foaming Cleaner Spray, 24 oz, 12/cs

              Concentrate. Hospital disinfectant cleaner for all                 KIMBERLY-CLARK SANITIZING SPRAY                                   GOJO FAST WIPES® HAND CLEANING TOWELS
              restroom cleaning needs. Deep-cleaning action
              penetrates tough soils including body oils and                     Proven to kill 99.9% of germs. Works on ceramic, enamel,
              soap scum. Cleans, disinfects and deodorizes with                  fiberglass, finished/sealed wood, glass laminates, metal,
              a fresh lime scent. Makes up to 32 gallons for                     plastic and vinyl.
              general cleaning and disinfection (broad-spectrum disinfectant
              at 1:32). Makes up to 8 gallons for heavy-duty cleaning and
              hospital disinfection (hospital disinfectant at 1:8).

              94201  Disinfectant Heavy Duty Bathroom Cleaner                    36700     Scott® 24-Hour Sanitizing Spray, Citrus Scent,          6298-04  Heavy Duty Hand Cleaning Towels, 130 Ct Bucket,
                     (concentrate), Gallon, 4/cs                                           32 oz Bottle, 9/cs                                               4/cs

   INFECTION                      635871164 635871165 635871639                  SULTAN LYSOL® I.C.™ BRAND                                         GOJO PURELL® PERSONAL PACK
CONTROL                                                                          DISINFECTANT SPRAY                                                SANITIZING WIPES
                                                                                 Hospital-grade disinfectant proven to kill harmful                The germ killing power of PURELL in a convenient personal
              Citrus II CPAP Mask Cleaner is a unique formula designed for       microorganisms, such as tuberculosis, poliovirus,                 wipes pack. Compact, resealable package is easy to store
              effective cleaning of ALL Types of CPAP, BiPAP and Oxygen          HIV-1, hepatitis A, herpes simplex types 1 and 2.                 and perfect for use on-the-go. Dye-free, fragrance-free skin
              Therapy Masks, Tubing and Accessories. Safe and gentle to          Control Flo™ valve enhances the surface coverage                  friendly formula with 62% ethyl alcohol.
              use, it will not harden, crack, or deteriorate soft plastic with   while minimizing airborne particles. 77% less
              repeated use. CPAP Mask Wipes do not require rinsing.              fragrance than regular Lysol spray. Unique formula                9035-24  Sanitizing Wipes, 5 1/2” x 7”, For Use with
                                                                                 for dental and medical practices -- not available in              9036-24  Hill-Rom® Art of Care® Overbed Table, Resealable
               635871164 Mask Cleaner, 1.5 oz Ready To Use Spray, 24/cs          stores.                                                                    Pack, 36/pk, 24 pk/cs
               635871165 Mask Cleaner, 8 oz Ready To Use Spray, 12/cs                                                                                       Sanitizing Wipes, 5 1/2” x 7”, 36/pk, 24 pk/cs
               635871639 Mask Cleaner, Wipes, 62 Count Pop-Up Canister, 12/cs    95029     Disinfectant Spray, 19 oz, 12/cs

              132                                                                          Disinfectants – Hand Sanitizers
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