Page 235 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 235

ALERE POC CLEARVIEW®                                              ALERE POC ACCEAVA® MONO II                                      SEKISUI OSOM®
H. PYLORI TEST KIT                                                                                                                MONO TEST
                                                                  Provides superior performance for the diagnosis of
Two easy steps. CLIA waived                                       Mononucleosis with a simple procedure that provides an          Easy to read two color
(for whole blood specimens),                                      answer in 5 minutes, enabling you to delivery improved          results. 100% sensitivity,
easy-to-use test requried                                         patient care with a test that fits your staffing requirements.  96% specificity. Results in
no training. Built-in control                                     Simple procedure. Positive reults in as little as one minute.   five minutes. Use with whole
ensures accuracy. Use with multiple sample types - whole          Room temperature storage. Use as a CLIA Waived test for         blood, serum or plasma. 12
blood, serum or plasma.                                           whole blood specimens only. Use as a CLIA Non-waived test       month room temperature
4581505020 H. Pylori Test Kit, Whole Blood - CLIA Waived,         for serum, plasma or whole blood.                               storage. CLIA waived (whole blood).
                                                                                                                                  145 Mono Test CLIA Waived (Whole Blood), Plus
               Serum, Plasma NON WAIVED, 30 test/kit              92404    Mono II Test Kit, Results in 5 Minutes, 25 test/kit
                                                                                                                                                 Contains 2 Additional Test Sticks For External QC
                                                                                                                                                 Testing, 25 tests/kit

BECKMAN COULTER ICON®                                             ALERE POC CLEARVIEW®                                            BECKMAN COULTER HEMOCCULT ICT 2-DAY
HP (H.PYLORI) TEST KIT                                            MONO PLUS TEST KIT                                              PATIENT SCREENING KIT

ICON® HP is your one step anti-H.                                 Provides highly sensitive and                                   395261A  Patient Screening Kit Contains: (1) Dispensing
pylori test. One step anti-H. pylori                              specific test for Infectious                                             Envelope, Patient Instructions, (2) Hemoccult® ICT
antibody test utilizes indirect solid                             Mononucleosis (IM). Two-step                                             Collection Cards, (2) Flushable Collection Tissues,
phase immunoassay technology                                      test with results in 5 minutes.                                          (2) Applicator Sticks, (1) Mailing Pouch, 50 test/bx
for the qualitative detection of H. pylori antibodies. ICON® HP   CLIA waived (for whole blood
qualitatively detects anti-Helicobacter pylori lgG antibody in    specimens), easy-to-use test requires no training. Built-in                                                                         LAB
human whole blood, serum or plasma specimens. This One-           control ensures accuracy. Use with multiple sample types -                                                                             POINT OF CARE
Step cassette device test is intended to aid in the diagnosis     whole blood, serum or plasma.
of H. pylori infection in adult patients with symptoms of         4581515020 Mono Plus Test Kit, Results in 5 Minutes, Whole
gastrointestinal disorders without need for costly and invasive
procedures. Results in five minutes. Room temperature                            Blood CLIA Waived, Serum, Plasma NON WAIVED,
storage. Test uses - whole blood or serum/plasma. Easy, fast,                    30 test/kit
and accurate results.

395160A  Each Kit Includes: 30 Test Strips, 35 Capillary          ALERE POC MONO-LATEX® TEST KIT                                  BECKMAN COULTER HEMOCCULT ICT KITS
         Tubes, 1 Dropper Bottle of Developer Solution
         Contains 0.2% Sodium Azid, Regents, Product              Latex agglutination slide test for the qualitative or           395065A  Hemoccult ICT Sample Collection Cards, Kit
         Instructions, Procedure Card                             semi-quantitative detection of infectious mononucleosis         395066A  Contains: Physician Instructions, 100 Single
                                                                  heterophile antibodies in serum or plasma.                               Collection Cards & 100 Sample Sticks
                                                                                                                                  395067A  Hemoccult ICT Patient Collection Screening Kit,
HALYARD CLOTEST RAPID UREASE TEST                                 27135    Mono Colorcard Test Kit, 50 tst/kt                     395068A  Contains: Physician Instructions, 40 Pt Envelopes
                                                                                                                                           Printed, Instructions, 3 Single Collection Devices,
98% sensitivity and 97% specificity. Diagnosis of 75% of H.       BECKMAN COULTER                                                          Sample Sticks, Collection Tissues & 1 Barrier
pylori infections with no false positives within 20 minutes.      ICON® MONO TEST KIT                                                      Mailing Envelope
Bacteriostatic agent in gel to ensure a lower incidence of                                                                                 Hemoccult ICT Test, Kit Contains: 20 Single Test
false positives. Easy to read color changes. CLIA waived. Less    A one-step antibody test for                                             Cards, 1 Bottle Buffer & Product Instructions
expensive diagnosis than culture or histology.                    fast, accurate, and easy-to-read                                         Hemoccult ICT Control Kit, Contains: Product
                                                                  results. For use on patients                                             Instructions, 2 Bottles Negative & Positive Controls
60407    Jack Bean Urease Control, H. Pylori Diagnostic           who present with fever, sore
60480    CLOtest, 50/cs                                           throat, swollen lymph glands
         CLOtest Rapid Urease Test, 25/bx                         or other symptoms common
                                                                  with a viral infection. You may not be able to distinguish
HALYARD PYTEST® CAPSULES                                          these from infectious mononucleosis (IM). Combines              BECKMAN COULTER HEMOCCULT II®
                                                                  finger-stock whole blood convenience with EIA membrane          DISPENSAPAK™
Provides accuracy with up to 96% sensitivity and 96%              technology for fast, accurate results. Uses direct solid-phase
specificity. Determines active infection. Non-invasive, easy-to-  immunoassay technology for early qualitative detection if       Each case contains: (100) patient kits, (6) 15 mL bottles
swallow gelatin capsules.                                         IM heterophile antibodies in whole blood, human serum or        of developer and product instructions. Each patient kit
                                                                  plasma. Provides 99.9% relative sensitivity and 98.8% relative  contains: Hemoccult II® Triple Slide (Test Cart), (3) applicators,
60443    H.Pylori Test Capsules, 100/cs                           specificity serum/plasma; 98.3% relative specificity WB assay.  illustrated diet and patient instructions.
                                                                  A one-step, easy-to-read rapid test proven to deliver fast and
                                                                  accurate results. Clinically approved for all ages, including   61100    Hemoccult II® Dispensapak™
                                                                  those under 18 years of age. Room temperature storage.
QUIDEL QUICKVUE®                                                                                                                  BECKMAN COULTER
ONE-STEP H. PYLORI GII® KIT                                       395100A  Each Kit Contains: 30 Tests, 30 Capillary Tubes,       HEMOCCULT II®
                                                                           1 Developer Solution, 1 ea Positive & Negative         DISPENSAPAK™ PLUS
A 5-minute test for the detection                                          Control, 1 Product Instruction, 4kit/cs
of the bacterium Helicobacter                                                                                                     Each box contains: 40 patient kits, (2)
pylori, using either whole blood,                                 QUIDEL QUICKVUE®                                                15mL bottles of developer, and product
serum or plasma samples. One-step ease of use; less than          INFECTIOUS                                                      instruments. Each patient kit contains:
one minute hands-on time. 92% overall agreement with              MONONUCLEOSIS TEST                                              Hemoccult II® Triple Slide (Test Card), (3)
EIA. Positive and negative controls included in kit. Room                                                                         flushable sample collection tissues, (3)
temperature storage. Whole blood procedure CLIA waived.           For the rapid detection of                                      applicators, illustrated diet and patient instructions, patient
                                                                  IgM heterophile antibodies                                      pamphlet and barrier mailing pouch.
0W009    Quickvue® H. Pylori GII, CLIA Waived, 10 tests/kit       in acute phase infections. A                                    61130A Hemoccult II® Dispensapak™ Plus, 4 bx/cs
0W010    Quickvue® H. Pylori GII, CLIA Waived, 30 tests/kit       plus/minus result can be seen in about 5 minutes. This IgM
                                                                  specific test has no age restrictions. >98% sensitivity; >99%
SEKISUI OSOM® H. PYLORI                                           specificity; >99% agreement with slide hemagglutination and     BECKMAN COULTER
                                                                  EIA. Room temperature storage. CLIA waived for whole blood.     HEMOCCULT II® SENSA®
175 H. Pylori Test, CLIA Waived, 25 test/kit                      Moderately Complex when using serum or plasma.                  DISPENSAPAK™ PLUS
176 Control Kit Includes: 2mL Positive Control & 2mL
                                                                                                                                  CLIA Waived. Each box
               Negative Control                                                                                                   contains: (40) patient kits, (2)
                                                                                                                                  15ml bottles of developer and
                                                                  20121    Mono Test Kit Includes: (20) Test Cassettes, (1)       instructions. Each patient kit contains: Hemoccult II® SENSA®
                                                                           Developer, (1) Negative Control, (1) Positive          Triple Slide (Test Card), (3) flushable sample collection tissues,
ALERE POC                                                                  Control, (20) Pipettes, (20) Capillary Tubes, (1)      (3) applicators, illustrated diet and test instructions, patient
ACCEAVA® MONO                                                              Package Insert & (1) Procedure Card                    pamphlet and barrier mailing pouch.
                                                                                                                                  64130A Hemoccult II® SENSA® Dispensapak™ Plus, 4 bx/cs
92407    Acceava Mono Test Kit, 25 test/kit

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