Page 309 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 309

MEDEGEN DENTURE CUPS                                            NEW WORLD IMPORTS
                                                                FRESHMINT® FLUORIDE
Cup with lock tight polyethylene lid protects patient’s         TOOTHPASTE
dentures. Lid is clearly marked with “Dentures” in English,
Spanish and Polish.                                             Our FDA approved toothpaste formula contains fluoride to
                                                                help prevent cavities and contains no animal products.
140      Denture Cup with Hinged Lid, Blue, 24/cs                                                                            NEW WORLD IMPORTS TOOTHBRUSHES
H975-01  Denture Cup, Translucent Base & Lid, 250/cs
H975-05  Denture Cup, Gold Base, Translucent Lid, 250/cs                                                                     Made of strong polypropylene handles.
H975-07  Denture Cup, Turquoise Base, Gray Lid, 250/cs
H975-10  Denture Cup, Mauve Base, Translucent Lid, 250/cs       TP15    Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste, 1.5 oz,              TB28          28 Tuft Toothbrush, 144/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                        Individually Boxed, 144/cs                           TB30          30 Tuft Nylon Toothbrush, 144/bx
                                                                TP15NB  Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste, 1.5 oz, 144/cs       TB30BT        33 Tuft Nylon Toothbrush with Styrene Handle, 144/
                                                                TP275   Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste, 2.75 oz,                           bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                        Individually Boxed, 144/cs                           TB36          36 Tuft Nylon Toothbrush, 144/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                                                                             TB37          37 Tuft Toothbrush, 144/bx
NEW WORLD IMPORTS FRESHMINT® ADA                                                                                             TB43          43 Tuft Premium Toothbrush, Nylon Bristles,
APPROVED PREMIUM TOOTHPASTE                                                                                                                Freshmint, 144/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                                                                             TB43144       43 Tuft Premium Toothbrush, Freshmint, Bulk, 144/cs
TPADA15  Freshmint Premium Anticavity Toothpaste, 1.5 oz,                                     FMW2 FMW4                                    (Not For Sale in Canada)
TPADA3   ADA Approved, 36/bx, 4 bx/cs                                                                                        TB50          50 Tuft Nylon Toothbrush, 144/bx, 10 bx/cs
TPADA46  Freshmint Premium Anticavity Toothpaste, 3 oz,         NEW WORLD IMPORTS FRESHMINT®                                 TB50P         50 Tuft Toothbrush, 144/bx, 10 bx/cs
TPADA85  ADA Approved, 72/cs                                    MOUTHWASH                                                    TBBX          43 Tuft Nylon Toothbrush, Individually Boxed, 288/cs
         Freshmint Premium Anticavity Toothpaste, 4.6 oz,                                                                    TBDEN         Denture Toothbrush, Double Sided, 144/bx
         ADA Approved, 24/cs                                    FMW2    Alcohol Free Mouthwash, 2 oz, 96/cs                  TBJR          Pediatric Toothbrush, 144/bx
         Freshmint Premium Anticavity Toothpaste, .85 oz,       FMW4    (Made in USA)                                        TBSEC         Maximum Security Toothbrush, Thumbprint Handle,
         ADA Approved, 144/cs                                           Alcohol-Free Mouthwash, 4 oz, 60/cs                                72/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                        (Made in USA)                                        TBSH          Short Handle (3 7/8”) Toothbrush, 30 Tuft, 144/bx,
                                                                                                                                           10 bx/cs

NEW WORLD IMPORTS FRESHMINT®                                    NEW WORLD IMPORTS                                            P&G DURACELL CREST®                        08451
CLEAR GEL TOOTHPASTE                                            FRESHMINT® SENSITIVE                                         CAVITY PROTECTION                          30501
                                                                TOOTHPASTE                                                   TOOTHPASTE
Clear tubes and clear packet.
                                                                TPS43   Sensitive Toothpaste, Freshmint, 4.3 oz, Individual  Get cavity protection for your teeth
                                                                        Box, Compares to the Performance of Sensodyne®       and exposed roots. With regular
                                                                        Fresh Mint Toothpaste, 24/cs                         brushing, it will help fight cavities and
                                                                                                                             leave you with fresh breath, too.

CG15     Anticavity Fluoride Gel Toothpaste, 1.5 oz, 144/cs                                                                  08451         Crest Toothpaste, Cavity Protection, 4.6 oz, 24/cs
CG275    Anticavity Fluoride Gel Toothpaste, 2.75 oz, 144/cs                                                                 30501         Crest Toothpaste, Cavity Protection, .85 oz, 240/cs
CG46     Anticavity Fluoride Gel Toothpaste, 4.6 oz, 60/cs
CG6      Anticavity Fluoride Gel Toothpaste, .6 oz, 144/bx,     NEW WORLD IMPORTS KIDS TOOTHPASTE                            P&G DURACELL CREST®
         5 bx/cs                                                                                                             COMPLETE TOOTHPASTE
CG64     Anticavity Fluoride Gel Toothpaste, 6.4 oz, 48/cs      KFFTP85B Kids Fluoride Free Toothpaste, Bubblegum Flavor,
CG85     Anticavity Fluoride Gel Toothpaste, .85 oz, 144/bx,                   0.85 oz, 36/bx, 4 bx/cs                       Strengthens enamel with regular
         5 bx/cs                                                                                                             brushing. It fights cavities, tarter
CGP      Single Use Anticavity Fluoride Gel Toothpaste Packet,                                                               and freshens breath. It whitens teeth by gently removing surface
         500/bx, 2 bx/cs                                                                                                     stains. It also will help prevent tartar buildup and remove surface
                                                                                                                             stains. Contains Scope to give you minty fresh breath.

                                                                                                                             40162         Crest Complete Toothpaste, Whitening with
                                                                                                                                           Scope, .85 oz, 72/cs
                                                                                                                                                                                                  PATIENT CARE/
                                                                NEW WORLD IMPORTS TOOTHBRUSH CAP                             P&G DURACELL CREST®                                                     EXAM ROOM SUPPLIES
                                                                                                                             PRO HEALTH RINSE
NEW WORLD IMPORTS FRESHMINT® DENTAL                             TBCAP   Toothbrush Cap, 144/bx, 10 bx/cs
FLOSS                                                                                                                        This rinse gives you a 12 hour protection to help
                                                                                                                             prevent and reduce plaque buildup, prevent and
                                                                                                                             reduce gingivitis for healthy gums and fight bag
                                                                                                                             breath. It will keep teeth cleaner longer, versus
                                                                                                                             brushing alone and kill germs.

                                                                                                                             44979         Crest Rinse, Multi-Protection, 36mL, 48/cs

DF100    Dental Floss, Mint Waxed, 100 yds, 72/cs
DF12     Dental Floss, Mint, Waxed, 12 yds, 12/bg,
         12 bg/cs

                                                                                                                                    30037  30038
                                                                                                                             P&G DURACELL FIXODENT DENTURE ADHESIVES
                                                                NEW WORLD IMPORTS TOOTHBRUSH HOLDER
             DA2 DA24                                                                                                        30037         Fixodent Denture Adhesive, Original, .75 oz, 24/cs
                                                                TBHLDR  Cylinder Toothbrush Holder, Clear 2-Piece, Holds     30038         Fixodent Denture Adhesive, Original, 1.4 oz, 24/cs
NEW WORLD IMPORTS FRESHMINT® DENTURE                                    Toothbrushes 7” Long, 100/cs
                                                                                                                             P&G DURACELL ORAL-B® HEALTHY CLEAN
DA2 Denture Adhesive, Freshmint, 2 oz, Zinc-Free                                                                             TOOTHBRUSH
               Formulation, Compared to the Performance of
               Fixodent Original®, 72/cs                                                                                     68956         Oral-B Toothbrush, 40 Medium, 72/cs

DA24 Denture Adhesive, Freshmint, 2.4 oz, Zinc-Free
               Formulation, Compared to the Performance of
               Fixodent Original®, 12/bx

                                                                        Personal Care Items                                                                                            275
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