Page 328 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 328

HALYARD PROTECTIVE                                                                                                                AMD-RITMED PROTECTOR
               SURGICAL CAP                                                                                                                      FOG-FREE SURGICAL MASK

               Protective 3-layer fabric on sides,                                                                                               A2702   Surgical Mask, Pleated with Tie, Foam Band,
               1-layer fabric on top. Exposure                                                                                                   A2712   Orange/ Blue, Diamond Print, 50/pk, 6 pk/cs
               anticipated: potential for light fluid                                                                                                    Surgical Mask, Pleated with Tie, Wraparound
               contamination from splashing                                                                                                      A2722   Splashguard Visor & Foam Band, Orange/ Blue,
               and spraying.                                                                                                                     A2732   Diamond Print, 25/pk, 4 pk/cs
                                                                                                                                                         Surgical Mask, Pleated with Earloops, Foam Band,
               69196         Surgical Cap, Blue, 100/bx, 3 bx/cs                  3M™ QUALITATIVE FIT TEST APPARATUS                                     Orange/ Blue, Diamond Print, 50/pk, 6 pk/cs
               69520         Surgical Cap, Blue, Universal, 100/bx, 3 bx/cs                                                                              Surgical Mask, Pleated with Earloops,
                                                                                  FT-10 Qualitative Fit Test Apparatus, Sweet, Includes:                 Wraparound Splashguard Visor & Foam Band,
                                                                                                 FT-11, FT-12, FT-14, FT-15, & (2) Ft-13                 Orange/ Blue, Diamond Print, 25/pk, 4 pk/cs

                                                                                  FT-30 Qualitative Fit Test Apparatus, Bitter, Includes:
                                                                                                 FT-31, FT-32, FT-14, FT-15, & (2) FT-13

                                                                                                                                                 AMD-RITMED SAFE-MASK N95 RESPIRATOR MASK

                                                                                                                                                 Latex free polypropylene, flat aluminum nosepiece, NIOSH
                                                                                                                                                 approved N95.

               HALYARD SURGICAL CAP                                                                                                              A2320   Non-Sterile, Duck Bill, 20/bx, 8 bx/cs

               KAYCEL™ fabric. Exposure anticipated: no potential fluid contact.                     FT-11 FT-12

               69240         Surgical Cap, Blue, Universal, 100/bx, 3 bx/cs       3M™ QUALITATIVE FIT TEST                                       AMD-RITMED SAFE-MASK
                                                                                  APPARATUS ACCESSORIES                                          PRO-SHIELD MASK
                                                                                  Test kits and accessories designed to help your organization   Convenient two-in-one protection with
               Protection against bloodborne pathogens in forensic or other       meet OSHA fit testing requirements for respirators.            combination face mask and eye shield.
               environments where exposure to blood is possible.                  Products can be used to check face-to-respirator seal on       Increased coverage with full wrap
                                                                                  any particulate respirator or gas/vapor respirator with a      around shield design as required by OSHA guidelines. Comfort
               45343         Kleenguard A60 Protection Hood, Blue, 100/cs         particulate prefilter.                                         fit with fluid repellent and breathable mask attached, that
                             (Product on Temporary Vendor Allocation)                                                                            exceeds 99.5% BFE industry standards. Added protection
                                                                                  FT-11 Sensitivity Solution, Sweet, 55ml Bottle, 6/cs           with unique shingle pleat design to prevent fluid pooling.
                                                                                  FT-12 Fit Test Solution, Sweet, 55ml Bottle, 6/cs              Protection guaranteed with over 99.4% particle filtration at
                                                                                                                                                 0.3 microns, exceeding industry standards.
               MOLNLYCKE BARRIER® SURGICAL CAP                                                                                                   2125 Shield, Teal, 25/bx, 4 bx/cs

               620105        Surgeons Hood, Tuck, Blue One Size, 100/bx, 5 bx/cs   2115 2116 2117 2118                                           ANSELL GAMMEX N95
               620500        Operating Cap, Flory Green, 100/bx, 5 bx/cs                                                                         RESPIRATOR & SURGICAL MASK
               621301        Sheer Bouffant Nurses Cap, Tie-Band, Basic,          AMD-RITMED DISTECH EARLOOP MASKS
                             Green, 100/bx, 5 bx/cs                                                                                              Filters to 0.1 microns, is NIOSH N95 approved and meets
                                                                                  Maximum fit and comfort. Easy to breathe with full width       AORN Guidelines as a second line of defense form the
               3M™ FILTRON™ DUCKBILL                                              adjustable nose piece. Ultra fluid and splash resistant inner  harmful effects of surgical smoke. Meets CDC, Health Canada
               DESIGN TIE-ON SURGICAL MASK                                        and outer layer. Sonically sealed soft stretchable latex free  and WHO guidelines for use as an isolation respirator for
                                                                                  earloops. Shingle pleats prevent fluid pooling.                Tuberculosis, SARS and Influenza exposure control within
               Incorporates proprietary filtration media and rayon outer                                                                         institutions. Provides high fluid resistance for protection
               layer. Features popular duckbill design. Provides off-the-face     2115   Blue, 50/bx, 10 bx/cs                                   against the risk of splashing of blood and other body fluids.
               comfort and unmuffled speech. Unique filter combination            2115K  Children, White, 50/bx, 10 bx/cs                        Is approved by the FDA, Health Canada and CE as a medical
               reduces fogging. Has a lower delta P, a measurement sought         2116   Pink, 50/bx, 10 bx/cs                                   device that helps protect both the Healthcare workers and
               by clinicians performing longer surgical procedures.               2117   Yellow, 50/bx, 10 bx/cs                                 patients from the transfer of microorganisms, blood, body
               1900 Duckbill Design Tie-On, 50/bx, 12 bx/cs                       2118   Green, 50/bx, 10 bx/cs                                  fluids and airborne particulates during medical and surgical

                                                                                                                                                 112410  Small/ Medium, 25/bx, 8 bx/cs
                                                                                                                                                 112411  Medium/ Large, 25/bx, 8 bx/cs

                                                                                  AMD-RITMED FLUIDSHIELD                                         CERTOL SHIELD HIGH
                                                                                  FOG-FREE SURGICAL MASK                                         EFFICIENCY FACE MASK

                       1860  1860S                     1870                       A2703  Pleated with Tie, Wraparound Splashguard Visor          Shield is a disposable pleated
               3M™ N95 PARTICULATE                                                       & Foam Band, Orange, 25/pk, 4 pk/cs                     surgical face mask with a
               RESPIRATOR & SURGICAL MASK                                         A2713  Pleated with Tie, Foam Band, Orange, 50/pk, 6 pk/cs     flexible nose piece and chin
               NIOSH approved as a Type 95 respirator. It meets CDC               A2723  Pleated with Earloops, Foam Band, Orange,               piece that enable the mask to conform to the face creating a
               guidelines for TB exposure control and is designed specifically           40/pk, 10 pk/cs                                         positive facial lock.
               for use in a health care setting.                                  A2733  Pleated with Earloops, Wraparound Splashguard
                                                                                         Visor & Foam Band, Orange, 25/pk, 4 pk/cs               PFL008  Facial Lock, 8”, Retention Band, 50/bx, 6 bx/cs
                                                                                                                                                 PFLEL8  Positive Facial Lock with Earloops, 8”, 5/bx, 6 bx/cs
               1805          Regular Vflex™ Particulate Respirator Mask,
   PROTECTIVE  1805S         50/bx, 8bx/cs                                                                                                       CROSSTEX ADVANTAGE
APPAREL        1860          Small Vflex™ Particulate Respirator Mask,                                                                           EARLOOP MASK
               1860S         50/bx, 8bx/cs
               1870          Regular Particulate Respirator Mask                                                                                 Fluid resistant outer and white
               1870+         Cone Molded, 20/bx, 6 bx/cs                                                                                         fluid resistance inner layers.
                             Small Particulate Respirator Mask Cone Molded,                                                                      PFE=98.8% @0.1 micron.
                             20/bx, 6 bx/cs                                                                                                      EN14683 Rating - Type 11R.
                             Regular Particulate Respirator Mask,
                             Flat-Fold/ 3-Panel, 20/bx, 6 bx/cs                   AMD-RITMED                                                     GCABL   Mask, Latex Free, Blue, 50/bx, 10 bx/cs
                             Health Care Particulate Respirator Mask,             LATEX FREE SURGICAL FACEMASKS                                  GCAPK   Mask, Latex Free, Pink, 50/bx, 10 bx/cs
                             Flat Fold, 20/bx, 6 bx/cs
                                                                                  2126 ProShield Tie-On Mask, Anti-Fog, Blue, 25/bx, 4 bx/cs

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