Page 418 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 418

B BRAUN SPROTTE®                                                COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                     BD AUTOGUARD™ INTROSYTE-N™
                  PENCIL POINT SPINAL                                             SUPPLIES ARGYLE™                                                     SAFETY INTRODUCERS
                  NEEDLE TRAYS                                                    NEO-SERT® UMBILICAL
                                                                                  VESSEL CATHETER                                                      384008  Shielded Introducer with Notched Needle,
                  Contents: fenestrated drape,                                    TRAYS                                                                        26G x 1.9cm, 10/cs
                  (4) 4” x 4” gauze sponges, prep                                                                                                      384010  Shielded Introducer, 20G x 3.2cm, 10/cs
                  solution well, (3) prep sponges,                                Our complete line of Neo-Sert                                        384011  Shielded Introducer, 18G x 3.2cm, 10/cs
                  medicine well, paper towel, 5                                   UVC Insertion Trays provide everything needed for the insertion      384012  Shielded Introducer, 16G x 3.2cm, 10/cs
                  mL ampul lidocaine HCI 1% inj.                                  procedure, including the catheter.Sterile Contents:Prep Tray:(1)
                  UPS (10mg/mL), 1 mL ampul                                       Umbilical vessel catheter (optional) in pre-packaged sterile         COVIDIEN/MEDICAL
                  epinephrine inj. USP 1:1000 (1mg/mL), 22G x 1 1/2” needle,      catheter system, (1) 60cm measuring tape, (1) Pack povidone          SUPPLIES ARGYLE™ TURKEL
                  3 mL plastic measuring syringe with 18G x 1 1/2” needle         iodine swab sticks, (1) Fenestrated drape, (2) Towels, (6) Gauze     SAFETY THORACENTESIS
                  attached, 18G x 1 1/2” spinal introducer needle, 25G x 5/8”     pads 2” x 2”Procedure Tray:(1) CSR wrap, (2) Filter aspiration       SYSTEM
                  needle, 5 mL plastic procedural syringe, SPROTTE spinal         needles, (1) 3-way stopcock, (1) Stainless steel scissors, (1)
                  needle, appropriate spinal drugs.                               Stainless steel needle holder, 5”, (1) Stainless steel eye dressing  Spring loaded blunt safety cannula extends beyond needle
                                                                                  forceps half-curved, (1) Stainless steel eye dressing forceps        tip. One-way valve in needle housing. Color change indicator
                  333740  Spinal Tray, 24G x 3 1/2” SPROTTE Needle,               fully curved, (2) Stainless stell hemostats curved, (1) Stainless    to identify blunt cannula position. Ball valve in catheter
                  333742  Bupivacaine 0.75%, Dextrose 8.25% (Rx), 10/cs           stell hemostat straight, (1) Blade scalpel #11, (1) Stainless stell  housing. In-line stop cock. Polyurethane catheter-over-needle
                          Spinal Tray, 24G x 3 1/2” SPROTTE Needle,               Adson tissue forceps, (1) Stainless steel vessel prove dilator,      design. 1cm depth marks on catheter shaft. Multiple side
                          Lidocaine HCI 5%, Glucose 7.5%, 25G x 1 1/2”            (1) Monoject® 1cc syringe, (2) Monoject 6cc syringes, (1)            holes on catheter shaft. Sterile.
                          Skin Wheal/ Infiltration Needle, 25G x 5/8” Skin        Monoject 3cc syringe, (1) 3.0 silk suture with curved needle,
                          Wheal Needle, 22G x 1 1/2” Infiltration Needle,         (1) Umbilical tape 15”, (1) Syringe tip cap, (6) Gauze pads 4” x     566034  Safety Thoracentesis System, 8FR Catheter,
                          3cc Syringe, Pre-Attached needle, Epinephrine           4”, (1) Monoject 20ga blunt needle**, (1) Monoject 18ga blunt                2.7mm O.D., 3 1/2”L, 20/cs
                          .1%, Filter Straw, Drape, Prep Sponges, Drug ID         needle**, (1) Safety scalpel #11***, (2) Magellan™ 20ga x 1.5
                          Set (Rx), 10/cs                                         safety needle***.**Only included in trays without catheter -
                                                                                  8888160408 & 160409.***Only included in tray - 43201.

                                                                                  160409 No Catheter, Smooth Tip Forceps, 5/cs                         COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES CURITY™
                                                                                                                                                       AMNIOCENTESIS TRAY
                  BD ARTHROGRAM TRAY                                              43201   No Catheter, Safety Scalpel, 5/cs
                                                                                                                                                       Exclusive amniocentesis needle for safe and effective aspiration.
                  Sterile single use. Tray includes:                              8888160119 3 1/2 & 5FR, Polyurethane UVC. Luer Lock Hub, 5/cs        Disposable trays contain all the components necessary for
                  (2) small basins, 10 cc Luer-                                                                                                        aspiration of amniotic fluid. Sterile contents: 1 CSR wrap, 1
                  Lok syringe, 10” connecting                                     8888160408 No Catheter, Fine Tip Forceps, 5/cs                       Component Tray w/metric measures, 2 Sponge Sticks, 3 Povidone
                  tube, 20G x 1 1/2” short bevel                                                                                                       Iodine Swabsticks, 4 12-Ply 3” x 3” Gauze Sponges, Fenestrated
                  needle, absorbent fenestrated                                   8888160424 3 1/2FR, Polyurethane UVC, 5/cs                           Drape, 22ga x 1 1/2” Needle, 25ga x 1” Needle, 5ml Luer Lock
                  drape, 5 cc Luer-Lok syringe, 2 oz medicine cup, 18G x 1 1/2”                                                                        Syringe, 20ml Luer Lock Syringe, Amber Pouch, Sample Collection
                  transfer needle, (2) prep sponges, (5) 3” x 3” gauze pads, (2)  8888160432 5FR, Polyurethane UVC, 5/cs                               Tubes w/caps, Sample Labels, 1” x 3” Curity Adhesive Bandage.
                  absorbent towels, 30 cc Luer-Lok syringe, adhesive bandage,
                  25G x 5/8” needle.                                                                                                                   97051   Amniocentesis Tray, 20G x 3 1/2” Needle, 10/cs
                  408501 Anthrogram Tray (Rx), 10/cs

                  BD PERISAFE™ EPIDURAL MINI-KIT                                  HALYARD UNIVERSAL BLOCK TRAY                                         COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES CURITY™ LUMBAR
                                                                                                                                                       PUNCTURE TRAYS WITH SAFETY COMPONENTS
   SURGERY/MINOR  Includes: 18G x 3 1/2” Weiss epidural needle, 20G x 36”         181024  18G x 1 1/2” Needle, 25G x 1 1/2” Needle, 7cc Syringe,
PROCEDURE         polyamide catheter, closed end, three hold with guide,                  3cc Plastic Syringe, 10cc Plastic syringe, Lidocaine HCL     1032 Adult, Spinal Needle with Stylet, 20G x 3 1/2, 20/cs
                  catheter connector, .22 micron filter and 10cc Epilor™ Loss of          Injection, Sodium Chloride Injection, 3”x3” Gauze Pad,       1048 Pediatric, 10/cs
                  Resistance syringe.                                                     Prep Tray, Needle Stick Pad, Povidone Iodine, Prep Stick,
                  400273 Perisafe™ Epidural Mini Kit, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                      17”x19” White Towel, 22”x28” Drape Fenestrated,              HALYARD EENT PACK IV
                                                                                          30”x30” CSR Wrap (Rx), 10/cs
                                                                                                                                                       Sterile pack contains: (1) back table cover,
                                                                                  181042  18G x 1 1/2” Needle, 22G x 1 1/2” Needle, 25G x 1            zone-reinforced, 44” x 90”, (1) large
                                                                                          1/2” Needle, 3cc Plastic Syringe, 5cc Plastic Syringe,       surgical surgical gown with set-in sleeve &
                  BD PERISAFE™ NYLON EPIDURAL CATHETERS                                   10cc Plastic Syringe, 20cc Plastic Syringe, Lidocaine HCL    reinforced sleeves in overwrap with towel,
                                                                                          Injection, Prep Tray, Needle Stick Pad, Prep Stick, 22”x28”  (1) large surgical gown with set-in sleeve &
                  Sterile. Single use.                                                    Drape Fenestrated, 30”x30” CSR Wrap (Rx), 10/cs              reinforced sleeves, (1) mayo stand cover,
                                                                                                                                                       reinforced, 23” x 54”, (1) absorbent towel,
                  400507  Closed End Epidural Catheter, 20G x 36”, 3-Hole,        181045  Povidone Iodine, (2) 18G x 1 1/2”, 30G x 1” Needle,          15” x 26”, (2) utility drapes with tape, 26” x
                          Guide, For 18G x 3 1/2” Needle, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                  (2) Prep Stick, (2) 3CC Plastic Syringe L/L, 5CC Plastic     15”, (1) suture bag, (1) head drape, 41” x 32” with detachable
                                                                                          Syringe L/L, 10CC Plastic Syringe L/L, 19.5” x 28” Blotting  turban 36” x 24”, (1) EENT split drape, 76” x 124”, 3” x 25”
                                                                                          Towel Blue, 22” x 28” Drape Fenestrated, 6” Minibore         Split with instrument pad reinforcement and tube holders.
                                                                                          Extension Line with Rotator, (3) Gauze Pad 3” x 3”, 30” x
                                                                                          30” CSR Wrap                                                 88719   EENT Pack IV, 5/cs

                                                                                  181064  Universal Block Tray, Lidocaine HCL & Sodium Chloride
                                                                                          Injection, 18G x 1 1/2”, 20G x 1 1/2”, 25G x 1 1/4”,
                  BD QUINCKE                                                              17”x19” White Towel, 22”x28” Drape Fenes, 30”x30”
                  SPINAL TRAYS                                                            CSR Wrap, 4”x4” Gauze, Povidone Iodine, 3cc, 10cc & 5cc
                                                                                          Plastic Syringe (Rx), 10/cs

                  406064  Spinal Tray Contains: 20G x 3 1/2” Spinal Needle        181126  Povidone Iodine, 18G x 1 1/2”, 25G x 1 1/2” Needle, (3)
                  406701  (Caudal), Lidocaine HCL (1%) 5ml, Blue Drape                    Prep Stick, 3CC, 5CC, 7CC, 10CC Plastic Syringe L/L, 17”
                          (Rx), 10/cs                                                     x 19” White Towel, Sodium Chloride, 24” x 32” Drape,         HALYARD EENT PACKS
                          Spinal Tray Contains: 22G x 3 1/2” Spinal Needle,               Lidocaine HCL Injection USP 1% 5mL, 19.5” x 28” Blotting
                          Bupivacaine (0.75%) with Dextrose (8.25%) 2mL,                  Towel Blue, 22” x 28” Drape Fenestrated, 6” Minibore         88716   Includes: 44” x 90” Back Table Cover, Ultra
                          Lidocaine HCL (1%) 5mL, Epinephrine (0.1%) 1mL,                 Extension Line with Rotator, (3) Gauze Pad 3” x 3”, 30” x            Surgical Gown in Overwrap, Large, Towel, 1 Ultra
                          Blue Drape (Rx), 10/cs                                          30” CSR Wrap                                                         Surgical Gown, Large, Towel, Microsurgery Mayo
                                                                                                                                                               Stand Cover, Suture Bag, (2) Utility Drapes, Tape,
                                                                                  18154   Povidone Iodine Swabs, 25G x 1 1/2” Needle, 24” x 24”                Head Drape & EENT Split Drape
                                                                                          CSR Wrap, 18G x 1 1/2” Needle, 3cc Plastic Syringe, 10cc
                  COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES ARGYLE™ EDLICH                                Plastic Syringe, 17” x 19” White Towel, 22” x 28” Drape
                  GASTRIC LAVAGE TRAYS                                                    Fenestrated, 4” x 4” Gauze Pad, Needle Stick Pad, 20/cs

                  8888750018 Gastric Lavage Tray, Large, 34FR, 20/cs              181A244 Nerve Block Tray, Lidocaine HCL, 18G x 1 1/2”, 20G x 1       HALYARD ENDOSCOPY PACKS
                                                                                             1/2”, 25G x 1 1/4” Short Bevel Spinal, 22”x28” Drape
                                                                                             Fenes, 30”x30” CSR Wrap, 4”x4” Gauze, Povidone Iodine,    88048   Includes: Laparoscopic Abdominal Drape, Mayo
                                                                                             3cc, 10cc & 5cc Plastic Syringe (Rx), 10/cs                       Stand Cover, Back Table Cover, Ultra Surgical Gown
                                                                                                                                                               in Overwrap, (2) Ultra Surgical Gown Towel, 5/cs

                  384 Packs/Trays
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