Page 96 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 96

RITTER 222 & 223                                                  MIDMARK 630 BARRIER-FREE® UNIVERSAL
                BARRIER-FREE®                                                     POWER PROCEDURE TABLE UPHOLSTERY
                EXAM TABLE
                                                                                  002-0725-216  Premium UPH Top, Pebble Grey
                Getting on an exam table                                          002-0725-229  Premium UPH Top, Perfect Plum
                can be an anxious, insecure                                       002-0725-230  Premium UPH Top, Moss
                moment, especially for                                            002-0725-231  Premium UPH Top, Navy
                elderly and special needs                                         002-0725-232  Premium UPH Top, Shadow
                patients. The Ritter 222                                          002-0725-233  Premium UPH Top, Dusty Blue
                and 223 Barrier-Free tables
                lower to 18 inches from                                                                                                           RITTER 230 UNIVERSAL PROCEDURE TABLE
                the floor, making it easier
                for patients to get on the                                                                                                        Non-programmable w/foot control only
                table and eliminating excess strain on their backs, as well as
                the backs of physicians and staff. Patients can now get on                                                                        230-001       Universal Procedure Table, No Top
                the table with no or minimal staff assistance, helping them                                                                       230-002       Universal Procedure Table, Receptacle, No Top
                maintain their dignity. Measuring 37 inches in highest position,                                                                  230-003       Universal Procedure Table, Rotation, No Top
                these exam tables have the absolute lowest and highest
   EQUIPMENT &  height combination on the market, making exams more               MIDMARK 641 BARRIER-FREE® POWER
FURNITURE       comfortable. This maximum low and high height combination         PROCEDURE CHAIR
                also eliminates bending and stooping to help your patients
                onto the table surface. Once your patient is on the table,        641-002       Power Procedure Chair, Non-Programmable
                with a touch of the foot control, the Ritter Barrier-Free tables  641-003       without Receptacles (Less Upholstery - 002-0966-
                allow precise and smooth positioning with minimal effort on       641-004       00-XXX or 002-0968-00-XXX)
                everyone’s part, helping your patients and you feel relaxed.      641-005       Power Procedure Chair, Programmable with
                With unprecedented low and high positioning heights, the                        Receptacles (Less Upholstery - 002-0966-00-XXX
                Ritter 222 has a gas spring assisted back section with an easy                  or 002-0968-00-XXX)
                access backrest mechanism, while the Ritter 223 has a power                     Power Procedure Chair, Non-Programmable with
                back system. Both tables include: Built-in pillow; Hideaway                     Rotation (Less Upholstery - 002-0966-00-XXX or
                stirrups that lock in one of four lateral positions; Foot                       002-0968-00-XXX)
                extension shelf to expand the table length; Paper roll holder                   Power Procedure Chair, Programmable with
                hidden under headrest; Storage for four 21” x 3.5” diameter                     Rotation (Less Upholstery - 002-0966-00-XXX or
                paper rolls; Polystyrene treatment pan; Foot control; Exam                      002-0968-00-XXX)
                Assistant® Drawer System and Leveling screws.

                222-016  Exam Table, Receptacle, Drawer, Heater, Pelvic                                                                           RITTER 230 UPHOLSTERY TOP
                223-016  Tilt, Base Only
                         Exam Table, Receptacle, Drawer, Heater, Pelvic
                         Tilt, Base Only

                RITTER TABLE                                                                                                                      002-0824-216  Upholstery Top, Pebble Grey
                ACCESSORIES -                                                                                                                     002-0824-229  Upholstery Top, Perfect Plum
                FOOT REST                                                                                                                         002-0824-230  Upholstery Top, Moss
                                                                                                                                                  002-0824-231  Upholstery Top, Navy
                                                                                                                                                  002-0824-232  Upholstery Top, Shadow

                9A337001-216  24” Wide Footrest-Pebble Grey                       MIDMARK 641 BARRIER-FREE® POWER
                9A337001-229  24” Wide Footrest-Perfect Plum                      PROCEDURE CHAIR ACCESSORIES
                9A337001-230  24” Wide Footrest-Moss
                9A337001-231  24” Wide Footrest-Navy                              9A398001-241 Arms, Chair Premium Upholstery,
                9A337001-232  24” Wide Footrest-Shadow                                              NOTE: Interference with armboard accessories
                9A337001-233  24” Wide Footrest-Dusty Blue                                          will likely occur, Pacific Blue

                                                                                  MIDMARK 641 BARRIER-FREE®                                       RITTER 244 UPHOLSTERY TOP
                                                                                  POWER PROCEDURE TABLE
                MIDMARK 625                                                       ACCESSORIES                                                     002-0861-216  Upholstery Top, Pebble Grey
                BARRIER-FREE®                                                                                                                     002-0861-229  Upholstery Top, Perfect Plum
                EXAMINATION TABLE                                                 Low height of 19”. Powered height, foot,                        002-0861-230  Upholstery Top, Moss
                                                                                  back and tilt. Close access to the head and                     002-0861-231  Upholstery Top, Navy
                Provides you with the capacity                                    neck area. Sliding back accessory rails.                        002-0861-232  Upholstery Top, Shadow
                and accessibility you need to                                     Tool-less interchangeable headrest. Foot                        002-0861-233  Upholstery Top, Dusty Blue
                properly care for all patients                                    extension. Optional wireless controls.
                without excess strain on you                                      Optional electrical receptacles. Hand and
                and your staff. Power height                                      foot controls. Optional rotation feature. Premium Comfort
                and back. 650 lb capacity                                         System.
                weight capacity. 18” to 37”
                seat height adjustment.                                           9A152010      Power Cord, 3 ft Length                           RITTER 630 BARRIER-FREE™ UNIVERSAL POWER
                Unique Quick Exam® and                                            9A267003      Tray, Instrument, Double Arm, (9A205 req)         PROCEDURE TABLE HEATED UPHOLSTERY/
                Motion Profiling® control                                         9A330001      Caster Base (Not Available on Rotation Model)     HEADREST
                features for more efficient patient positioning.                  9A363001      PC Work Surface, Designed For Tablet or
                                                                                                Notebook Computers or For Use as a Mayo Stand     Must be a Midmark Authorized Dealer to purchase.
                                                                                  9A365001      Casters
                                                                                                                                                  002-0755-00-230 Premium HTD UPH Top, Moss
                625-001  Basic Table with Receptacle, Drawer Heater,              MIDMARK 641 UPHOLSTERY KIT                                      002-0756-00-228 Ultra Premium HTD UPH Top, Raven Wing
                625-003  Pelvic Tilt without Top                                                                                                  002-0756-00-241 Ultra Premium HTD UPH Top, Pacific Blue
                625-004  Basic Table with Receptacle, Drawer Heater,              002-0966-00-999 Seamless Upholstery Kit For Midmark 641
                         Pelvic Tilt with Wireless Controls, No Top                                   Power Procedure Chair, Special Color
                         Basic Table with Receptacles, Drawer Heater,
                         Pelvic Tile, Digital Sclae, USB Hub with Wireless        002-0968-00-999 Ultra Premium Upholstery Kit For Midmark
                         Controls, No Top                                                             641 Power Procedure Chair, Special Color

                62 Tables
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