Page 104 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 104

HALYARD MIC® GASTROSTOMY FEEDING TUBES                           NESTLE COMPAT®                                                       NESTLE BOOST® GLUCOSE
                                                                                    NASOGASTRIC TUBES NG                                                 CONTROL™
                   Continued from previous page
                                                                                    Designed for patient comfort, safety,                                A balanced nutritional supplement,
                   0120-14-3.5 Gastrostomy Feeding Tube, Low Profile, 14FR,         and convenient. The tubes are                                        containing a unique blend of
                                 3.5cm Stoma Length, Sterile                        available in a variety of French (FR)                                carbohydrates designed to help manage
                                                                                    sizes to meet your enteral feeding                                   blood glucose levels for persons with
                   0120-14-4.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 14FR, 4.0cm Stoma Length           requirements.                                                        diabetes.

                   0120-16-1.2 Gastrostomy Tube, 16FR, 1.2cm Stoma Length,          08310400  Nasogastric Tube, 8FR, Weighted Bolus,                     212360162  Boost Glucose Control, Vanilla, 8 oz 27/cs
                                 5mL Balloon                                        08310500  Pre-Assembled Stylet, 10/cs                                212360262  Boost Glucose Control, Chocolate, 8 oz 27/cs
                                                                                    08310600  Nasogastric Tube, 12FR, Weighted Bolus,                    212360362  Boost Glucose Control, Strawberry, 8 oz 27/cs
                   0120-16-1.5 Gastrostomy Tube, 16FR, 1.5cm Stoma Length,                    Pre-Assembled Stylet, 10/cs                                36010000   Boost® Glucose Control, Vanilla, 8 oz, Tetra Brik,
                                 5mL Balloon                                                  Nasogastric Tube, 10FR, Weighted Bolus,                               27/cs
                                                                                              Pre-Assembled Stylet, 10/cs                                36020000   Boost® Glucose Control, Chocolate, 8 oz, Tetra
                   0120-16-2.5 Gastrostomy Tube, 16FR, 2.5cm Stoma Length,                                                                                          Brik, 27/cs
                                 5mL Balloon                                                                                                             36030000   Boost® Glucose Control, Strawberry, 8 oz, Tetra
                                                                                                                                                                    Brik, 27/cs
                   0120-16-3.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 16FR, 3.0cm Stoma Length

                   0120-16-4.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 16FR, 4.0cm Stoma Length           NESTLE COMPAT®
                                                                                    REPLACEMENT BALLOON
                   0120-18-1.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 18FR, 1.0cm                        GASTROSTOMY TUBES

                   0120-18-1.7 Gastrostomy Tube, 18FR, 1.7cm Stoma Length,          Developed with nursing input for
                                 5mL Balloon                                        long service life. The tube has
                                                                                    special features to simplify care and
                   0120-18-2.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 18FR, 2.0cm Stoma Length           maintenance. The Stretch-Lok® strap                                  NESTLE BOOST® HIGH
                                                                                    secures the feeding administration                                   PROTEIN DRINK
                   0120-18-2.3 Gastrostomy Tube, 18FR, 2.3cm Stoma Length,          set to the tube and its extra-large
                                 5mL Balloon                                        side port permits the use of a catheter-tip syringe to flush or      A great-tasting, high-protein,
                                                                                    administer fluids.                                                   nutritionally balanced oral
                   0120-18-2.5 Gastrostomy Tube, 18FR, 2.5cm Stoma Length,                                                                               supplement. It provides 15g of high
                                 5mL Balloon                                                                                                             quality protein in an 8 fl oz serving,
                                                                                                                                                         50% more protein than Boost Drink
                   0120-18-3.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 18FR, 3.0cm Stoma Length,          08741400  5cc balloon, 14FR, 5/cs                                    (15g vs 10g in 8 fl oz).
                                 5mL Balloon                                        08741600  15cc balloon, 16FR, 5/cs
                                                                                    08741800  15cc balloon, 18FR, 5/cs                                   09403600 Tetra Briks®, High Protein, Rich Chocolate, 8 fl oz
                   0120-18-3.5 Gastrostomy Tube, 18FR, 3.5cm, Stoma Length          08742000  15cc balloon, 20FR, 5/cs                                                  Btl, 6/pk, 4 pk/cs
                                                                                    08742200  15cc balloon, 22FR, 5/cs
                   0120-18-4.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 18FR, 4.0cm Stoma Length           08742400  15cc balloon, 24FR, 5/cs                                   09443600 Tetra Briks®, High Protein, Creamy Strawberry, 8 fl
                                                                                                                                                                        oz Btl, 6/pk, 4 pk/cs
   EXTENDED CARE/  0120-20-2.3 Gastrostomy Tube, 20FR, 2.3cm Stoma Length,
HOME HEALTH                      5mL Balloon                                                                                                             4390094139 Tetra Briks®, High Protein, Vanilla, 8 fl oz Btl, 27/cs

                   0120-20-2.5 Gastrostomy Feeding Tube, Low Profile, 20FR,
                                 2.5cm Stoma Length, Sterile

                   0120-20-2.7 Gastrostomy Tubes, 20FR, 2.7 Stoma Length,           NESTLE COMPAT® STAY-
                                 5mL Balloon                                        PUT™ NASOJEJUNAL
                                                                                    FEEDING TUBE
                   0120-20-3.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 20FR, 3.0cm Stoma Length
                                                                                    Designed for fast, convenient and
                   0120-20-3.5 Gastrostomy Tube, 20FR, 3.5cm Stoma Length           successful placement into the small
                                                                                    bowel. The tube can be inserted
                   0120-20-4.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 20FR, 4.0cm Stoma Length           using endoscopic or fluoroscopic
                                                                                    techniques utilizing the enclosed
                   0120-20-4.5 Gastrostomy Tube, 20FR, 4.5cm Stoma Length           350cc flexible tip quidewire.
                                                                                    08230100 9/18 FR Stay-Put Nasojej, Fdg/Gastr, Decompress,
                   0120-24-3.0 Gastrostomy Tube, 24FR, 3.0cm Stoma Length
                                                                                                   Tube/Endo/Fluoro Placement
                   0120-24-4.5 Gastrostomy Tube, 24FR, 4.5cm Stoma Length,                                                                               NESTLE BOOST® KIDS ESSENTIALS
                                 5mL Balloon
                                                                                                                                                         Provides complete, balanced nutrition for kids ages 1 to 13.

                   Accessories                                                                                                                           33510000   Oral Supplement, Boost® Kid Essentials, Vanilla,
                                                                                                                                                         33520000   8 oz, 27/cs
                   0121-12      Extension Set, Secur-Lok, 12”, Right Angle                                                                               33530000   Oral Supplement, Boost® Kid Essentials,
                                Connector, 2 Port “Y” & Clamp, 5/cs                                                                                                 Chocolate, 8 oz, 27/cs
                                                                                                                                                                    Oral Supplement, Boost® Kid Essentials,
                   0121-24      Extension Set, Secur-Lok, 24”, Right Angle                                                                                          Strawberry, 8 oz, 27/cs
                                Connector, 2 Port “Y” & Clamp, 5/cs

                   0135-20 Replacement Universal Adapter

                   HALYARD MIC® JEJUNAL FEEDING TUBES                               NESTLE BOOST® BREEZE®                                                NESTLE BOOST® KIDS
                                                                                                                                                         ESSENTIALS 1.5
                   Features ventilated SECUR-LOK external retention ring to         00212186262 Boost Breeze, Orange, 8 oz, 27/cs
                   allow air circulation around stoma site and to help tube         00212186462 Boost Breeze, Peach, 8 oz, 27/cs                         Comes in child-friendly packaging
                   migration prevention. Inflatable silicone internal retention     00212186662 Boost Breeze, Wild Berry, 8 oz, 27/cs                    specially designed for children ages
                   balloon. Distal end can be trimmed according to need.                                                                                 1-10. It is available with or without
                                                                                    NESTLE BOOST® DRINK                                                  fiber. The product delivers more
                   0200-16      Feeding Tube, 16FR                                                                                                       calories in less volume. It provides
                   0260-16      Feeding Tube Kit (Surgical Placement),              A great-tasting source of supplemental                               1.5 calories/mL and is rich in calcium
                                Transgastric, 16FR, 45cm                            nutrition for those who are unable                                   to help grow strong bones. It may be
                   0260-18      Feeding Tube, 18FR, 45cm                            to consume adequate nutrients                                        consumed orally or used as a tube feeding.
                   0301-14      Feeding Tube, 14FR                                  from food alone. Its delicious taste
                                                                                    promotes compliance to help patients
                   NESTLE COMPAT® ENTERAL                                           achieve positive outcomes. 26 vitamins                               33500000   Oral Supplement, Boost® Kid Essentials 1.5,
                   FEEDING ADAPTERS -                                               and minerals, including antioxidants                                 33540000   Vanilla with Fiber, 8 oz, 27/cs
                   UNIVERSAL “Y”                                                    for immune system support. Now available in convenient               33580000   Oral Supplement, Boost® Kid Essentials 1.5,
                                                                                    plastic bottles.                                                     33590000   Vanilla, 8 oz, 27/cs
                   Designed for durability. The Stretch-Lok®                                                                                                        Oral Supplement, Boost® Kid Essentials 1.5,
                   strap secures the feeding tube to the                            4390018216 Tetra Briks®, Lactose Free, VHC, Vanilla, 8 fl oz, 27/cs             Chocolate, 237mL, Tetra Briks®, 27/cs
                   administration set to prevent accidental disconnection. The      4390067438 Tetra Briks®, Vanilla, 8 fl oz Btl, 27/cs                            Oral Supplement, Boost® Kid Essentials 1.5,
                   large side port accepts a catheter-tip syringe for flushing and  4390067538 Tetra Briks®, Chocolate, 8 fl oz Btl, 27/cs                          Strawberry, 237mL, Tetra Briks®, 27/cs
                   fluid administration.                                            4390067639 Tetra Briks®, Strawberry, 8 fl oz Btl, 27/cs

                   08701300     Universal “Y” Adapter, Small, 5/cs
                   08750300     Replacement Plug-In, Medium, 5/cs
                   08803000     Replacement Plug-In, Large, 5/cs

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