Page 106 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 106

NESTLE NUTREN® 1.5 HIGH                                        NESTLE NUTREN® JUNIOR® WITH FIBER
                                                                                      CALORIE LIQUID NUTRITION
                                                                                      Can be used for complete or                                    A balanced nutritional formula specifically
                                                                                      supplemental nutrition support.                                designed to meet the nutrition needs of children
                                                                                      An ideal short- or long-term tube                              ages 1-10. It contains PREBIOπ™ to support
                                                                                      feeding for patients with increased                            complete gut health. NUTREN JUNIOR’s protein
                                          18450000  4390028466                        caloric requirements and/or a fluid                            source is 50% whey to facilitate gastric emptying.
                                                                                      restriction. The MCT/LCT ratio is                              9871616063 Nutren Junior®, Fiber Unflavored UltraPak®
                   NESTLE ISOSOURCE® HN                                                                                          9871616220
                                                                                                                                                                    Spikeright™, 250 mL Tetra Prisma, Vanilla, 24/cs
                   A high-protein, standard nutritional support.                      50:50 to facilitate fat absorption and                         9871677400 Nutren Junior®, Fiber Unflavored UltraPak®
                                                                                      tube feeding tolerance. UltraPak®
                                                                                      System is packaged in a prefilled non                                         Spikeright™, 1000mL Bags, 6/cs
                   18450000 Isosource® HN Unflavored, 250mL Tetra Prisma,             air-dependent closed system to reduce
                                 24/cs                                                set-up time, minimize the potential                            NESTLE NUTREN® PULMONARY
                                                                                      for bacterial contamination, decrease
                   18480100 Isosource® HN SpikeRight™ 1000mL Closed                   waste, and provide the flexibility of a                        A liquid formula designed to reduce CO2
                                 System Containers, 6/cs                              hang time of up to 48 hours. Moderate 9871626354               production in pulmonary patients. Contains a
                                                                                      osmolality for improved tolerance.                             balanced high-fat profile, which includes MCT
                   4390028466 Isosource® HN SpikeRight™ Plus, 1500mL, 4/cs                                                                           and canola oil in a desirable ratio to improve
                                                                                      Contains taurine, carnitine, and ultra                         9871616480 Nutren® Pulmonary Vanilla, 250 mL Tetra Prisma,
                                                                                      trace minerals. Meets or exceeds 100% fo the RDI for 20 key
                                                                                      vitamins and minerals in 1000 mL. Lactose-free, gluten-free,                  24/cs
                   NESTLE MCT OIL (MEDIUM                                             low-residue.                                                   9871622392 Nutren® Pulmonary, UltraPak® SpikeRight™
                   CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES)
                                                                                      9871616220 Nutren® 1.5, Vanilla, 250 mL Tetra Prisma, 24/cs                   1000mL, 6/cs
                   A modular souce of MCT for patients                                9871626354 Nutren® 1.5, UltraPak® SpikeRight™, 1000mL
                   unable to digest or absorb conventional                                                                                           NESTLE NUTREN® REPLETE
                   fats. MCTs are more readily hydrolyzed                                           Cans, 6/cs
                   and absorbed than conventional food fat.                                                                                          Formulated to support healing and protein
                   MCTs require less enzymes and bile acids for digestion than        NESTLE NUTREN® 2.0                                             repletion. Its vitamin, mineral and protein
                   conventional food fat.                                                                                                            profile is specifically designed for the dietary
                   03651300 MCT Oil, 1 Qt Glass Amber Bottles, 6/cs                   Can be used for complete or supplemental                       management of patients recovering from surgery,
                                                                                      nutrition support. An ideal short- or long-term                burns or Stage 2-3 pressure ulcers.
   EXTENDED CARE/  NESTLE MICROLIPID®                                                 tube feeding for patients with very high caloric               9871616249 Nutren® Replete, Vanilla, 250 mL Tetra Prisma,
HOME HEALTH                                                                           requirements and/or a severe fluid restriction. The
                   A 50% fat emulsion for special dietary                             MCT:LCT ratio is 75:25 to facilitate fat absorption                           24/cs
                   use in oral supplements, foods, or                                 and tube feeding tolerance.                                    9871626356 Nutren® Replete, UltraPak® SpikeRight™, 1000mL
                   in tube feeding formulas. Contains
                   safflower oil which is a rich source of                            9871616230 Nutren® 2.0, Vanilla, 250 mL Tetra Prisma, 24/cs                   Cans, 6/cs
                   polyunsatruated fat.                                               9871644146 Nutren® 2.0, UltraPak®, SpikeRight™, 1000mL
                   00870200 Microlipid®, 3 fl oz Bottles, 48/cs
                                                                                                     Cans, 6/cs

                                                                                      NESTLE NUTREN® GLYTROL
                                                                                      NUTRITION SUPPORT
                                                                                      A balanced nutritional formula which
                   NESTLE NOVASOURCE™ RENAL                                           meets the Dietary Guidelines of the
                                                                                      American Diabetes Association for
                   Designed to meet the unique needs of                               patients requiring blood glucose control.
                   renal-impaired patients. It is calorically                         The unique carbohydrate blend includes 9871616275
                   dense for patients on a volume restricted                          amylose starch and a mixture of soluble
                   diet. It has a protein, vitamin and mineral                        and insoluble fibers. MCT constitutes
                   profile specifically formulated for patients                       approximately 20% of the fat source, with
                   with chronic or acute renal failure or                             the remainder as high-oleic safflower                          9871616245  9871626358
                   patients requiring electrolyte or fluid restrictions. Contains no  oil and canola oil to provide a diet high
                   added sucrose or sugar alcohols.                                   in MUFA. UltraPak® System is packaged                          NESTLE NUTREN® REPLETE® FIBER

                   35110000  Novasource™ Renal Vanilla Flavored, 8 fl oz Brik         in a prefilled, non air-dependent closed   9871622390          Formulated to support bowel management, healing and
                   35180100  Paks, 27/cs                                              system to reduce set-up time, minimize                         protein repletion. It’s specifically formulated for the dietary
                             Novasource™ Renal SpikeRight™ 1000mL Closed              the potential for bacterial contamination, decrease waste,     management of patients recovering from surgery, burns or
                             System Containers, 6/cs                                  and provide the flexibility of a hang time of up to 48 hours.  Stage 2-3 pressure ulcers, with an elevated proteins, mineral
                                                                                      Balanced fat profile provides 42% of total calories. Moderate  and vitamin profile.
                                                                                      carbohydrate content (40% of total calories). Contains
                                                                                      fructose. 2:1 ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber. Meets or    9871616245 Nutren® Replete® with Fiber, Vanilla, 250 mL Tetra
                                                                                      exceeds 100% of the RDI for 20 key vitamins and minerals in                  Prisma, 24/cs
                   NESTLE NUTREN® 1.0                                                 1400 mL. Sucrose-free, lactose-free, gluten-free.
                                                                                                                                                     9871626358 Nutren® Replete® Fiber, UltraPak® SpikeRight™
                   Can be used for complete or                                        9871616275 Nutren® Glytrol®, Vanilla, 250 mL Tetra Prisma,                   1000mL, 6/cs
                   supplemental nutrition support. An ideal                                         24/cs
                   short- or long-term tube feeding for                                                                                              9871626359 Nutren® Replete® with Fiber, UltraPak® SpikeRight®
                   patients with normal protein and calorie                           9871622390 Nutren® Glytrol®, UltraPak® SpikeRight™ 1000mL,                   System, 1500mL Bags, 4/cs
                   requirements.                                                                    6/cs
                   9871616210 Nutren® 1.0, Vanilla, 250 mL Tetra Prisma, 24/cs
                                                                                      9871632391 Nutren® Glytrol®, UltraPak® SpikeRight™ 1500mL,
                                                                                                    4/cs                                             NESTLE NUTRIHEP®

                   NESTLE NUTREN® 1.0 FIBER                                           NESTLE NUTREN® JUNIOR®                                         Provides amino acid profile rich in branched-
                   WITH PREBIO™                                                                                                                      chain amino acids and low in aromatic and
                                                                                      A balanced nutritional formula specifically designed           ammonogenic amino acids. Calorically dense,
                   Can be used for complete or                                        to meet the nutrition needs of children ages                   providing a high calorie-to-nitrogen ratio to help
                   supplemental nutrition support of                                  1-10. The protein blend of 50% whey, 50% casein                spare protein utilization for lean body mass. Has a
                   patients requiring dietary management                              contains more whey than any other intact protein               low total fat content and a high proportion of fat
                   of diarrhea or constipation. Its fiber                             pediatric formula. High whey protein content can               as MCT to facilitate fat absorption.
                   blend includes Prebio® to help promote                             improve tolerance, facilitate gastric emptying and             9871616479 Nutrihep®, Unflavored, 250 mL Tetra Prisma,
                   a healthy gut microbiota. An ideal short or long-term              support normal growth and development.
                   tube feeding for patients with normal protein and calorie                                                                                        24/cs
                   requirements or for whenever dietary fiber is desired.             9871616062    Nutren Junior®, Vanilla, 250 mL
                   9871616056 Nutren® 1.0 with Fiber, Vanilla, 250 mL Tetra           9871677380    Tetra Prisma, 24/cs
                                                                                                    Nutren Junior®, Unflavored UltraPak®
                                  Prisma, 24/cs                                                     Spikeright™, 1000mL Bags, 6/cs

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