Page 111 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 111

TECH-MED TUMBLERS                                                 A40001            A40002                                         COVIDIEN/MEDICAL
                                                                                                                                   SUPPLIES EXCILON™
Stainless steelware is constructed without                                                                                         WASHCLOTHS
seams to prevent bacteria growth and to
allow for easy cleaning.                                                                                                           Deluxe style, heavy absorbency.
                                                                                                                                   These soft yet highly absorbent
4242       Tumbler, 7 oz                                          AMD-RITMED SPUNLACE WASHCLOTHS -                                 cloths are Kendall’s strongest and
4242-1     Tumbler, 12 oz                                         PRE-MOISTENED                                                    most versatile. Ideal as general
                                                                                                                                   purpose facecloths, hand towels
                                                                  A durable yet comforting approach to the personal care           or for incontinent care.
                                                                  needs of your patients and residents. Strong yet soft spunlace
ALBAAD AT EASE® PRE-MOISTENED ADULT                               material. With lanolin for gentle skin care. Quad folded for     6040N   Washcloth, Novonette Finish, White, 10” x 13”,
WIPES                                                             easy dispensing and unfolding. Alcohol free.                             50/bg, 12 bg/cs

Our line of At Ease Premoistened utilizes our own gel             A40001    Washcloth, 10” x 13”, Pre-Moistened, 50/tub,           COVIDIEN/MEDICAL
formulation designed to enhance skin wellness by not              A40002    12 tub/cs                                              SUPPLIES VERSALON
depleting the essential oils that keep the skin moist. Available  A40003    Washcloth, 10” x 13”, Pre-Moistened, 64 wipes          WASHCLOTHS
in tubs, dispenser packs, and refills. Our dimethicone wipe                 per soft pack, 8 pk/cs
provides additional barrier in the perineum area after                      Washcloth, 10” x 13”, Pre-Moistened, Soft Pack,        Economy style, light absorbency.
incontinent clean-up. Flushable wipes are also available.                   50/pk, 12 pk/cs                                        VERSALON Washcloths are the
Check out our Value wipe - industry standard fomulation with                                                                       economical, single-use disposables
a rigid lens closure.                                                                                                              that are more cost effective
                                                                                                                                   than reusables and eliminated
8607       Safe & Soft Flushable Wipe, Resealable, 42 ct, 24/cs                                                                    replacement, laundry and handling costs.
8608       Safe & Soft Flushable Wipe, 42 ct, 12 tub/cs
8609       Adult Gel Dimethicone Wipe, Dispenser, 48 ct, 12/cs                                                                     6360 Washcloth, Apertured Finish, Blue, 9 3/8” x 13
8610       Adult Value Wipe, Rigid Lens, 48 ct, 12/cs                                                                                             1/2”, 125/bg, 4 bg/cs
8611       Safe & Soft Flushable Wipe, Dispenser, 42 ct, 24/cs
8612       Adult Gel Wipe, Dispenser, 48 ct, 11.8” x 8.7”, 12/cs                                                                   6361 Washcloth, Apertured Finish, Pink, 11 1/2” x 13
8613       Adult Gel Wipe, 64 ct Tub, 11.8” x 8.7”, 8/cs                                                                                          1/2”, 50/bg, 10 bg/cs
8614       Adult Gel Wipe, Resealable, 72 ct, 12/cs
HS-3821    Wash Cloth with Lanolin & Aloe, Disposable,            AMD-RITMED WIPES
           9” x 13”, 12 tub/cs
                                                                  A40408    Wipe, Tissue, 4 1/2” x 3”, 1-Ply, Pop-Up Box, 280/                                                                       EXTENDED CARE/
ALBAAD DRY WASHCLOTHS                                                       bx, 60 bx/cs                                           6399SP  6599N                       6899N                            HOME HEALTH
                                                                  CM-40010  Dry Wipes, 10” x 13”, 50/pk, 10 pk/cs                  COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES WINGS™
Dry Washcloth - airlaid substrate. Spunlace also available.       CM-40013  Dry Wipes, 12” x 13”, 50/pk, 10 pk/cs                  PERSONAL CLEANSING WASHCLOTH
                                                                  SP-40813  Dry Wipes, 8” x 13”, 50/pk, 10 pk/cs

HS-1013AL  Wash Cloth, Airlaid, 10” x 13”, 1/4 Folded, 50/pk,     AMD-RITMED FLUSHABLE WIPES                                       Ultra-strong, ultra-soft spunlace, nonwoven material with
HS-900AL   10 pk/cs (8746)                                                                                                         a unique gel formulation combining aloe, sweet almond oil
           Wash Cloth, Airlaid, 12” x 13”, 1/4 Folded, 50/pk,     A40005    Flushable Wipes, Spunlace, Premoistened, 5” x 8”,      and glycerin to condition and moisturize skin. Hypoallergenic
           18 pk/cs (8770)                                        A40008    Soft Pack, 48/pk, 12 pk/cs                             and alcohol-free formula. Pop up lid for easy one-handed
                                                                            Flushable Wipes, Spunlace, Premoistened, 9” x          dispensing while minimizing cross contamination.
                                                                            13”, Soft Pack, 60/pk, 8 pk/cs
AMD-RITMED AIRLAID                                                                                                                 6399SP  Washcloth, 8.7” x 11.8”, Soft Pack, 48/pk, 12 pk/cs
WASHCLOTHS                                                        COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                 6599N   Washcloth, 8.7” x 11.8”, 64/tub, 8 tub/cs
                                                                  SUPPLIES CURITY™                                                 6699N   Washcloth, Refill Pack, 8.7” x 11.8”, 64/pk, 12pk/cs
45% synthetic staple fibers, 55%                                  CLEANERS                                                         6899N   Washcloth, 8.7” x 11.8”, Soft Pack, 8/pk, 24 pk/cs
natural cellulose pulp. Offers
softness and absorbency for                                       Packaged for easy-access, single-                                1058    AW3688                      DW5163
patient care. They are also great to                              use convenience, the soft yet
use in cleaning instruments, counters, and dialysis equipment     resilient cleaners boast high wet
- any surface in hospitals, offices, clinics, institutions, or    strength that allows them to
wherever a general use wiper is needed.                           maintain all of their features even
                                                                  after sterilization.
A40010     Washcloth, 10” x 13”, White, 50/bg, 10bg/cs            1429 Cleaner Towel, Medium, 7 1/2” x 13 1/2”,                    DUKAL DAWNMIST WASHCLOTHS
A40013     Dry Washcloths, 12” x 13”, White, 50/bg, 10 bg/cs                                                                       Rediwash® Washcloth is an all-in-one bathing system
A41013-1   Washcloth, 10” x 13”, White, 50/bg, 20 bg/cs                          250/bg, 12 bg/cs                                  specifically formulated to cleanse and moisturize, soothing,
BP41013-1  Economy Washcloth, 10” x 13”, White, 50/bg,            1913 Cleaner Towel, Large, 13 1/2” x 13 1/2”,                    sanitary, and pH balanced, eliminated the need for labor
           20 bg/cs                                                                                                                intensive and bacteria prone basin baths, microwavable and
                                                                                 250/bg, 8 bg/cs                                   alcohol free. Premoistened Adult Washcloths are extremely
AMD-RITMED SPUNLACE                                                                                                                soft yet tear resistant, alcohol free, and made with aloe and
WASHCLOTHS                                                        COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                 lanolin with a mild fresh scent. The Dry Washcloth is made of
                                                                  SUPPLIES CURITY™                                                 soft airlaid, can be used with Pernieal wash, and is ideal for
45% Synthetic Staple Fibers, 55%                                  PRE-MOISTENED                                                    cleanups, bathing, and general use.
Natural Cellulose pulp. Spunlace                                  WASHCLOTHS
washcloths offer strength, softness,                                                                                               1058    Redi-Wash® Washcloth, Microwavable, 8/pk, 50 pk/cs
and absorbency, and are latex-free.                               Offers a durable yet gentle way                                  AW3688  Washcloth, Adult, Hard Tub, 8” x 12”, 50/tub,
This premium washcloth has the                                    to cleanse skin. Appropriate for                                 AW4739  12 tub/cs
feel of cotton and is super soft. Our Spunlace washcloth is       use on patients of all ages, cloths dispense quickly and easily  AW4746  Washcloth, Premium, Adult, Hard Tub, 9” x 13”,
widely used and accepted in the geriatric community and           to facilitate improved patient care in any setting. Convenient   AW4750  64/tub, 12 tub/cs
neonatal care departments.                                        one hand dispensing, minimizing cross contamination.             AW8140  Washcloth, Premium, Adult, Soft Pack, 9” x 13”,
                                                                  Pleasantly fragranced. Mild formula is alcohol-free,             AW8150  64/pk, 12 pk/cs
SP41013    Dry Washcloths, 10” x 13”, Latex Free, White,          hypoallergenic and pH balanced. Cloths contain aloe, vitamin     DW5163  Washcloth, Adult, Soft Pack with Lid, 9” x 13”,
SP41213-1  50/pk, 10pk/cs                                         E and camomile to soothe the skin. Cost effective solution to            64/pk, 8 pk/cs
           Dry Washcloth, 12” x 13”, White Spunlace,              standard washcloths.                                                     Washcloth, Adult, Soft Pack, 8” x 12”, 50/pk,
           50/pk, 20pk/cs                                         5299SP Pre-Moistend Washcloth, Soft Pack, 48/pk, 12 pk/cs                12 pk/cs
                                                                  5399SP Pre-Moistend Washcloth, Soft Pack, 96/pk, 8 pk/cs                 Washcloth, Adult, Soft Pack with Lid, 8” x 12”,
                                                                                                                                           50/pk, 12 pk/cs
                                                                                                                                           Washcloth, Dry 9” x 13”, 50/pk, 10 pk/cs

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