Page 116 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 116

PRINCIPLE BUSINESS                                               PRINCIPLE BUSINESS                                               PRINCIPLE BUSINESS TRANQUILITY®
                   TRANQUILITY® ALL-                                                TRANQUILITY® SLIMLINE®                                           PLAN-O-GRAM SET
                   THROUGH-THE-NIGHT                                                BREATHABLE DISPOSABLE
                   DISPOSABLE BRIEFS                                                BRIEFS                                                           Box-SL321 includes: 2-Retail Bags of Medium
                                                                                                                                                     Dau (2115); 2-Retail Bags of Large DAU (2116);
                   Extraordinary capacities that                                    Air circulation makes the wearer feel                            2-Retail Bags of Medium ATN Briefs (2185);
                   allow users to sleep all night                                   more comfortable in any climate.                                 1-Retail Bag of X-Large DAU (2117); 1-Box of 9
                   uninterrupted by garment                                         Protection for fragile or sensitive skin                         2-pk Samples of Each Product in Plan-O-Gram &
                   changes without compromising                                     improving wearer comfort. Cloth-like material means no           Shrink Wrapped (TRQ-036-PPD); Plan-O-Gram
                   skin safety. Kufguards®,                                         plastic against the skin. High capacity eliminates leakage and   Layout Instructions (TRQ-036-PPA); Tranquility
                   fecal barrier, provide extra                                     reduces laundry. Fewer changes equal fewer products used         Sales Poster 24” x 12” (TRQ-036-PPB);
                   protection. Wetness indicator. Peach mat construction. Soft,     lowering over all cost.                                          20-Tranguility Consumer Brochures (POG2202)
                   elastic leg gathers. Refastenable closure tabs.                                                                                   with 1-Platic Brochure Holder (tRQ-036-PPC);
                   2183 Brief, X-Small Adult, 18” to 26”, 18.5 fl oz                2305 Breathable Briefs, Medium Adult, 32”-44”, 20.4 fl           Box-SL302-7 includes: 2-Retail Bags of Large
                                                                                                   oz Capacity, 12/pk, 8 pk/cs                       ATN Briefs (2186), 2-Retail bags of X-Large ATN; 1-Retail Bag of
                                  Capacity, 10/pk, 10 pk/cs                                                                                          X-Large DAU (2117); 2-Retail Bags of Super Personal Care Pads
                   2184 Brief, Small Adult, 24” to 32”, 22.2 fl oz Capacity,        2306 Breathable Briefs, Large Adult, 45”-58”, 21.4 fl oz         (2380); 2-Retail Bags of Ultimate Personal Care Pads (2381);
                                                                                                   Capacity, 12/pk, 8 pk/cs                          2-Retail Bags of Overnight Personal Care Pads (2382); 18-”Try
                                  10/pk, 10 pk/cs                                                                                                    It!” Rebates Pre-Stickered on each bag (TRQ-726-SL) and Plan-
                   2185 Brief, Medium Adult, 32” to 44”, 27.5 fl oz                 2307 Breathable Briefs, X-Large Adult, 56”-64”, 23.7 fl          O-Gram Layout Instructions (TRQ-036-PPA).
                                                                                                   oz Capacity, 12/pk, 6 pk/cs                       2202 Plan-O-Gram Set in (1) Box-SL321 & (1) Box-
                                  Capacity, 12/pk, 8 pk/cs
                   2186 Brief, Large Adult, 45” to 58”, 33 fl oz Capacity,          PRINCIPLE BUSINESS                                                              SL302-7
                                                                                    TRANQUILITY® SLIMLINE®
                                  12/pk, 8 pk/cs                                    DISPOSABLE BRIEFS                                                ALBAAD AT EASE® CONTOURED P
                   2187 Brief, X-Large Adult, 56” to 64”, 34 fl oz Capacity,                                                                         AD & PANT SYSTEMS
                                                                                    SlimLine briefs conform to the
                                  12/pk, 6 pk/cs                                    body for a comfortable fit while still                           Designed for moderate to heavy incontinence. Ideal for
                                                                                    providing superior absorbency. A                                 bowel and bladder training programs. Discreet clothlike
                                    2105 2106                                       patented Peach Mat core contains superabsorbent polymers         backsheet and comfortable side gathers for a secure fit.
                                                                                    which guarantees skin dryness, odor reduction and urine          Overnight pad excellent for night “airing” use.
                   PRINCIPLE BUSINESS TRANQUILITY® PREMIUM                          pH neutralization. The wetness indicator turns blue when
   EXTENDED CARE/  DAYTIME™ DISPOSABLE ABSORBENT                                    maximum capacity has been reached, thus eliminating              91700W    Liner, Overnight Absorbency, 13 1/2” x 28”, Elastic
HOME HEALTH        UNDERWEAR                                                        unnecessary changes and reducing costs. Kufguards® help          92600W    Leg Gathers, Purple, 12/pk, 6 pk/cs (9031)
                                                                                    contain bowel incontinence and prevent leakage. Sizes            92722W    Liner, Ultra Absorbency with Polymer, 13 1/2” x 28”,
                   Provides Heavy Protection for active daytime use. Absorbent      x-large, large and medium have refastenable tape tabs for        92950W    Elastic Leg Gathers, Beige, 12/pk, 6 pk/cs (9037)
                   Peach Mat guarantees: skin dryness, neutralization of urine,     easy opening and closing of the brief. Sizes small, x-small and            Liner, Super Absorbency with Polymer, 13 1/2” x 24”,
                   odor reduction and inhibition of bacterial growth. Trim look     junior have a cloth-like backsheet and micro-hook closure                  Elastic Leg Gathers, White, 12/pk, 6 pk/cs (9039)
                   of underwear; easy to pull up and down. Soft, comfortable,       tabs. Available in six sizes. Latex-free.                                  Liner, Super Absorbency with Polymer, 13 1/2” x 28”,
                   full-rise waist panel with ample fabric for a better fit.                                                                                   Elastic Leg Gathers, Blue, 12/pk, 6 pk/cs (9040)
                   2105 Underwear, Medium Daytime DAU, 34”-48”, 120-                2112 Brief, Junior, 28-42 lbs, 10.2 fl oz Capacity,
                                                                                                   12/bg, 10 bg/cs                                   ALBAAD AT EASE® SHIELDS/LINERS/BRIEF
                                  175 lbs, 25 fl oz Capacity, 18/pk, 4 pk/cs                                                                         INSERTS
                   2106 Underwear, Large Daytime DAU, 45”-54”, 170-                 2120 Brief, Small Adult, 24” to 32”, 12.7 fl oz Capacity,
                                                                                                   10/pk, 10 pk/cs                                   Pads come in various sizes to boost the absorbency of
                                  210 lbs, 25 fl oz Capacity, 16/pk, 4 pk/cs                                                                         diposable briefs or protective underwear. NP-90180 was
                   2107 Underwear, X-Large Daytime DAU, 48”- 66”, 210-              2122 Brief, Medium Adult, 32” to 44”, 20.4 fl oz                 specifically designed for the most challenging situations that
                                                                                                   Capacity, 12/bg, 8 bg/cs                          require ultimate absorbency. 90030-24 and 90200SAP also
                                  250 lbs, 25 fl oz Capacity, 14/pk, 4 pk/cs                                                                         double as male guards and shields for light incontinence.
                                                                                    2132 Brief, Large Adult, 45” to 58”, 21.04 fl oz
                   PRINCIPLE BUSINESS                                                              Capacity, 12/pk, 8 pk/cs                          90030-24  Compact Shield For Light to Medium Bladder
                   TRANQUILITY® PREMIUM                                                                                                              90180     Control Protection, 30/pk, 6 pk/cs (9028)
                   OVERNIGHT™ DISPOSABLE                                            2134 Brief, X-Large Adult, 56” to 64”, 23.7 fl oz                90200SAP  Diaper Brief Doubler, 4” x 14”, 30/pk, 6 pk/cs
                   ABSORBENT UNDERWEAR                                                             Capacity, 12/pk, 6 pk/cs                          NP-90180  (8979)
                                                                                                                                                               Contour Shield with Polymer, Peach, 20/pk,
                   Maximum capacity in a disposable                                 2166 Brief, X-Small Adult, 18” to 26”, 10.9 fl oz                          9 pk/cs (9029)
                   absorbent underwear for                                                         Capacity, 10/pk, 10 pk/cs                                   Booster Pads, Overnight Super Capacity, 7” x 17”,
                   uninterrupted sleep - holds over                                                                                                            30/pk, 6 pk/cs (9175)
                   a quart of liquid! The patented                                  PRINCIPLE BUSINESS
                   Peach Mat core guarantees skin dryness, odor reduction and       TRANQUILITY®                                                     COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES CURITY™
                   urine pH neutralization. The soft, breathable fabric has an      SMARTCORE™                                                       MATERNITY PADS
                   ample, full-rise waist panel providing a more proportioned fit.  DISPOSABLE BRIEFS
                   Tear-away side seams allow for easy removal, inner leg cuffs                                                                      Provides exceptional softness, comfort and absorbency for
                   for leakage protection and blue leg elastics indicate overnight  SmartCore disposable briefs                                      postpartum care, with a unique moisture barrier that helps
                   protection. Latex free.                                          maintain an ideal micro-climate                                  prevent strike-through and an innovative fluid dispersement
                   2113 Underwear, X-Small Overnight DAU, 17”-28”, 65-              for preserving skin integrity. The                               system that promotes maximum absorbency.
                                                                                    high capacity absorbent core remains effective up to 6-8
                                  85 lbs, Capacity 20.3 fl oz, 22/pk, 4 pk/cs       hours. The inner surface of the brief is treated with TQ-A/P     2022A     Maternity Pad, Poly Backing, 14/bg, 12 bg/cs
                   2114 Underwear, Small Overnight DAU, 22”-36”, 80-                (Tranquility Antimicrobial and Antifungal Protection). The
                                                                                    treatment inhibits the growth of microorganisms while
                                  125 lbs, Capacity 20.3 fl oz, 20/pk, 4 pk/cs      preserving an ideal environment on the product for skin
                   2115 Underwear, Medium Overnight DAU, 34”-48”,                   integrity. Breathable sides eliminate heat and moisture
                                                                                    build-up. Micro-hook closure tabs grip the soft, cloth-like
                                  120-175 lbs, Capacity 34.0 fl oz, 18/pk, 4 pk/cs  outer layer to securely fasten the brief and allow for multiple
                   2116 Underwear, Large Overnight DAU, 44”-54”, 170-               openings. Kufguards®, inner leg cuffs, channel fluids into the
                                                                                    core, helping to contain high volume urge episodes and bowel
                                  210 lbs, Capacityi 34.0 fl oz, 16/pk, 4 pk/cs     incontinence. The capacity/wetness indicator turns from
                   2117 Underwear, X-Large Overnight DAU, 48”-66”, 210-             yellow to blue when moisture is present. These briefs are
                                                                                    available in 5 color-coded sizes. Latex free.
                                  250 lbs, Capacity 34.0 fl oz, 14/pk, 4 pk/cs
                   2118 Underwear, XXL-Plus Overnight DAU, 62”-80”,                 2311 Brief, Small Adult, 24”-32”, 18.0 fl oz Capacity,
                                                                                                   10/pk, 10 pk/cs
                                  250+ lbs, Capacity 34.0 fl oz, 12/bg, 4 bg/cs
                                                                                    2312 Brief, Medium Adult, 32”-44”, 24.0 fl oz Capacity,
                                                                                                   12/pk, 8 pk/cs

                                                                                    2313 Brief, Large Adult, 45”-58”, 27.0 fl oz Capacity,
                                                                                                   12/pk, 8 pk/cs

                                                                                    2314 Brief, X-Large Adult, 56”-64”, 29.0 fl oz Capacity,
                                                                                                   12/pk, 6 pk/cs

                                                                                    2315 Brief, XXL-Plus Adult, 60”-80”, 29.0 fl oz Capacity,
                                                                                                   8/pk, 4 pk/cs

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