Page 140 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 140

ANSELL ENCORE® ACCLAIM™                                           ANSELL NO POWDER™                                              SEMPERMED DERMA PLUS
        POWDER-FREE LATEX                                                 STERILE LATEX                                                  LATEX POWDERED GLOVE
        SURGICAL GLOVES                                                   SURGICAL GLOVES
                                                                                                                                         These powdered surgical
        Designed thicker to provide extra                                 Powder-free. Textured wet-grip                                 gloves delivers comfort, barrier
        protection, while their smooth                                    surface. Thick cuff provides                                   protection, and value. It offers
        surface offers increased tactile                                  additional strength and longer                                 comfort and ease of donning
        sensitivity. This combination gives you the protection you        unbeaded cuff minimizes roll-down.                             for both wet and dry hands.
        need with the performance you demand. A continuous                                                                               The broader, anatomical
        polymer coating which delivers excellent damp-hand                8602 Surgical Gloves, Size 6, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                design allows for an excellent
        donnability. Powder-free to help eliminate powder-related         8603 Surgical Gloves, Size 6 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs            fit, while the micro-rough surface offers sensitivity and an
        post-operative complications and powder-related skin              8604 Surgical Gloves, Size 7, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                effective grip, wet or dry. Beaded cuffs increase strength and
        sensitivity. Tensile strength, tear resistance and puncture       8605 Surgical Gloves, Size 7 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs            protection. Size stamped on cuff. Sterility indicator label on
        resistance.                                                       8606 Surgical Gloves, Size 8, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                dispenser.
                                                                          8607 Surgical Gloves, Size 8 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
        5795000  Surgical Gloves, Size 5 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs           8608 Surgical Gloves, Size 9, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                DP600    Surgical Glove, Latex, Size 6, Powdered, Sterile,
        5795001  Surgical Gloves, Size 6, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                                                              DP650    Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand Specific,
        5795002  Surgical Gloves, Size 6 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs           MOLNLYCKE BIOGEL®                                              DP700    50/bx, 6 bx/cs
        5795003  Surgical Gloves, Size 7, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs               ECLIPSE® GLOVES                                                DP750    Surgical Glove, Latex, Size 6 1/2, Powdered,
        5795004  Surgical Gloves, Size 7 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                                                          DP800    Sterile, Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand
        5795005  Surgical Gloves, Size 8, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs               Recommended for all surgeries                                  DP850    Specific, 50/bx, 6 bx/cs
        5795006  Surgical Gloves, Size 8 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs           depending on personal                                                   Surgical Glove, Latex, Size 7, Powdered, Sterile,
        5795007  Surgical Gloves, Size 9, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs               preference but recommended                                              Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand Specific,
                                                                          especially for neurosurgical,                                           50/bx, 6 bx/cs
        ANSELL ENCORE®                                                    plastics and cardiac. Powder-free                                       Surgical Glove, Latex, Size 7 1/2, Powdered,
        POWDER-FREE STERILE                                               and sterile natural rubber latex                                        Sterile, Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand
        SURGICAL GLOVES                                                   with Biogel® coating on the inner                                       Specific, 50/bx, 6 bx/cs
                                                                          surface. A softer, more supple gloving solution than standard           Surgical Glove, Latex, Size 8, Powdered, Sterile,
        Powder-free to prevent                                            natural rubber latex gloves. Typically 30% softer than Biogel           Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand Specific,
        the complications caused                                          Surgeon, therefore more conforming to individual’s hands                50/bx, 6 bx/cs
        by glove powders. They                                            than most latex gloves. Beaded cuff for added security.                 Surgical Glove, Latex, Size 8 1/2, Powdered,
        have a continuous polymer                                                                                                                 Sterile, Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand
        coating which delivers excellent damp-hand donnability. An        75255  Surgical Glove, Size 5 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder               Specific, 50/bx, 6 bx/cs
        ergonomic design to help reduce carpal tunnel syndrome            75260  Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
        and a textured surface for reliable grip. Tensile strength, tear  75265  Surgical Glove, Size 6, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,    SEMPERMED
        resistance and puncture resistance. Beaded cuff.                  75270  50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                          SUPREME LATEX
                                                                          75275  Surgical Glove, Size 6 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder      POWDER FREE GLOVE
GLOVES  5785000  Surgical Gloves, Size 5 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs           75280  Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
        5785001  Surgical Gloves, Size 6, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs               75285  Surgical Glove, Size 7, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,    These unique gloves are
        5785002  Surgical Gloves, Size 6 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs           75290  50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                          anatomically designed.
        5785003  Surgical Gloves, Size 7, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                      Surgical Glove, Size 7 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder      They are powder-free to
        5785004  Surgical Gloves, Size 7 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                  Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                    reduce aerosolization.
        5785005  Surgical Gloves, Size 8, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                      Surgical Glove, Size 8, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,    Beaded cuffs and a special
        5785006  Surgical Gloves, Size 8 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                  50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                          multi-layer copolymer
        5785007  Surgical Gloves, Size 9, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                      Surgical Glove, Size 8 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder      composition provides
                                                                                 Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                    enhanced strength and protection during surgery. Size
                                                                                 Surgical Glove, Size 9, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,    stamped on cuff. Sterility indicator label on dispenser.
                                                                                 40/bx, 4 bx/cs                                          Eliminates aerosolization of glove powder and its association
                                                                                                                                         with latex protein transfer. Provides an effective grip, wet or
                                                                                                                                         dry, while maintaining tactile sensitivity.

        ANSELL ENCORE®                                                    MOLNLYCKE BIOGEL®                                              SPFP550  Glove, Surgical, Latex, Sterile, Size 5 1/2, Powder
        UNDERGLOVE                                                        SURGEON GLOVES                                                 SPFP600  Free, Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand
                                                                                                                                         SPFP650  Specific, 50 pr/bx, 6 bx/cs
        Latex, powder-free surgical                                       Recommended for all general                                    SPFP700  Glove, Surgical, Latex, Sterile, Size 6, Powder Free,
        gloves offer exceptional                                          surgical procedures and other                                  SPFP750  Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand Specific,
        dexterity, tactile sensitivity,                                   specialties that do not require                                SPFP800  50 pr/bx, 6 bx/cs
        outstanding strength and                                          unique characteristics. Powder-                                SPFP850  Glove, Surgical, Latex, Sterile, Size 6 1/2, Powder
        barrier protection when                                           free & sterile natural rubber                                  SPFP900  Free, Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand
        double-gloving is required. Also designed to retain moisture      latex gloves with Biogel® coating                                       Specific, 50 pr/bx, 6 bx/cs
        and rehydrate your skin, despite continual glove-wearing          on the inner surface.                                                   Glove, Surgical, Latex, Sterile, Size 7, Powder Free,
        and frequent contact with astringent hand cleaners and                                                                                    Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand Specific,
        disinfectants.                                                                                                                            50 pr/bx, 6 bx/cs
                                                                                                                                                  Glove, Surgical, Latex, Sterile, Size 7 1/2, Powder
        2018455  Gloves, Sterile, Surgical, Latex, Powder Free, Size      30455  Surgeon Glove, Size 5 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder                Free, Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand
        2018460  5 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                 30460  Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                             Specific, 50 pr/bx, 6 bx/cs
        2018465  Gloves, Sterile, Surgical, Latex, Powder Free, Size      30465  Surgeon Glove, Size 6, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,              Glove, Surgical, Latex, Sterile, Size 8, Powder Free,
        2018470  6, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                     30470  50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                                   Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand Specific,
        2018475  Gloves, Sterile, Surgical, Latex, Powder Free, Size      30475  Surgeon Glove, Size 6 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder                50 pr/bx, 6 bx/cs
        2018480  6 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                 30480  Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                             Glove, Surgical, Latex, Sterile, Size 8 1/2, Powder
        2018485  Gloves, Sterile, Surgical, Latex, Powder Free, Size      30485  Surgeon Glove, Size 7, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,              Free, Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand
        2018490  7, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                     30490  50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                                   Specific, 50 pr/bx, 6 bx/cs
                 Gloves, Sterile, Surgical, Latex, Powder Free, Size             Surgeon Glove, Size 7 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder                Glove, Surgical, Latex, Sterile, Size 9, Powder Free,
                 7 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                        Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs                                             Beaded Cuff, Micro-Rough Surface, Hand Specific,
                 Gloves, Sterile, Surgical, Latex, Powder Free, Size             Surgeon Glove, Size 8, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,              50 pr/bx, 6 bx/cs
                 8, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                            50/bx, 4 bx/cs
                 Gloves, Sterile, Surgical, Latex, Powder Free, Size             Surgeon Glove, Size 8 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder
                 8 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                        Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
                 Gloves, Sterile, Surgical, Latex, Powder Free, Size             Surgeon Glove, Size 9, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,
                 9, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs                                            40/bx, 4 bx/cs

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