Page 142 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 142
MOLNLYCKE BIOGEL® 32175 Surgical Glove, Size 7 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder 5721315 Surgical Gloves, Size 8, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
INDICATOR® GLOVES 32180 Free, 40/bx, 4 bx/cs 5721316 Surgical Gloves, Size 8 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
32185 Surgical Glove, Size 8, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 5721317 Surgical Gloves, Size 9, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
Recommended for all types of surgery 32190 40/bx, 4 bx/cs
where glove puncture is likely, especially Surgical Glove, Size 8 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder
trauma, cardiac, transplant, orthopedic Free, 40/bx, 4 bx/cs
and gastrointestinal. Powder-free and Surgical Glove, Size 9, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,
sterile natural rubber latex with Biogel® 40/bx, 4 bx/cs
coating on the inner surface. Green. Can be worn alone or as
part of a Puncture Indication System™, as the smooth surface MOLNLYCKE BIOGEL®
is specifically engineered for unparalleled ease of double- SENSOR™ GLOVES
donning. The green color spot alerts wearer of punctures in
outer latex glove, if a perforation occurs in the presence of Recommended for all surgeries
fluid. Beaded cuff for added security. depending on personal preference but
recommended especially for procedures
31255 Surgical Glove, Size 5 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder where sensitivity and fingertip control ANSELL GAMMEX® NON-LATEX PI ORTHO GLOVES
31260 Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs are crucial. Powder-free and sterile
31265 Surgical Glove, Size 6, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, natural rubber latex gloves with Biogel® coating on the inner 20686560 Orthopaedic Gloves, Size 6, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
31270 50/bx, 4 bx/cs surface. Typically 20% thinner than Biogel M for improved 20686565 Orthopaedic Gloves, Size 6 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
31275 Surgical Glove, Size 6 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder tactile sensitivity and a textured surface for a positive grip. 20686570 Orthopaedic Gloves, Size 7, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
31280 Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs Beaded cuff for added security. Low dermatitis potential. 20686575 Orthopaedic Gloves, Size 7 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
31285 Surgical Glove, Size 7, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 20686580 Orthopaedic Gloves, Size 8, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
31290 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 30655 Size 5 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 20686585 Orthopaedic Gloves, Size 8 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
Surgical Glove, Size 7 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder 30660 Size 6, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 20686590 Orthopaedic Gloves, Size 9, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 30665 Size 6 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
Surgical Glove, Size 8, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 30670 Size 7, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
50/bx, 4 bx/cs 30675 Size 7 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
Surgical Glove, Size 8 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder 30680 Size 8, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 30685 Size 8 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
Surgical Glove, Size 9, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 30690 Size 9, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 40/bx, 4 bx/cs
40/bx, 4 bx/cs
Recommended for micro-vascular, Micro-encapsulated lead in natural rubber latex helps shield
cardiothoracic, ENT, plastic, Recommended for all surgeries hands from scattered radiation. Orange with beaded cuff.
neurosurgical, gynecological and general depending on personal preference
surgical procedures. Powder-free & but recommended especially for 20873065 Radiation Gloves, Size 6 1/2, 1 pr/pk, 5 pk/cs
sterile natural rubber latex gloves with neurosurgical, cardiac, transplant 20873070 Radiation Gloves, Size 7, 1 pr/pk, 5 pk/cs
Biogel® coating on the inner surface. Beaded cuff for added and vascular. Powder-free and sterile 20873075 Radiation Gloves, Size 7 1/2, 1 pr/pk, 5 pk/cs
security. Formulated for improved grip. natural rubber latex with Biogel® coating on the inner surface. 20873080 Radiation Gloves, Size 8, 1 pr/pk, 5 pk/cs
Typically 20% thinner than Biogel Surgeons for improved 20873085 Radiation Gloves, Size 8 1/2, 1 pr/pk, 5 pk/cs
GLOVES 30555 Microsurg Glove, Size 5 1/2, Sterile, Latex, tactile sensitivity. They provide a durable protective barrier 20873090 Radiation Gloves, Size 9, 1 pr/pk, 5 pk/cs
30560 Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs while maintaining flexibility and manual dexterity. Beaded
30565 Microsurg Glove, Size 6, Sterile, Latex, Powder cuff for added security.
30570 Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
30575 Microsurg Glove, Size 6 1/2, Sterile, Latex, 82555 Surgical Glove, Size 5 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder INNOVATIVE NITRIDERM®
30580 Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 82560 Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs STERILE POWDER-FREE
30585 Microsurg Glove, Size 7, Sterile, Latex, Powder 82565 Surgical Glove, Size 6, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, SURGICAL GLOVES
30590 Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 82570 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
Microsurg Glove, Size 7 1/2, Sterile, Latex, 82575 Surgical Glove, Size 6 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder These nitrile synthetic surgical
Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 82580 Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs gloves contain no natural
Microsurg Glove, Size 8, Sterile, Latex, Powder 82585 Surgical Glove, Size 7, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, latex proteins. Soft, highly
Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 82590 50/bx, 4 bx/cs elastic formulation provides
Microsurg Glove, Size 8 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Surgical Glove, Size 7 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder the maximum in comfort, fit
Powder Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs and protection, while offering
Microsurg Glove, Size 9, Sterile, Latex, Powder Surgical Glove, Size 8, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, exceptional tactile sensitivity.
Free, 40/bx, 4 bx/cs 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
Surgical Glove, Size 8 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder
MOLNLYCKE BIOGEL® Free, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs 135550 Gloves, Surgical, Size 5 1/2, Nitrile, Sterile, PF,
ORTHOPRO™ SURGICAL Surgical Glove, Size 9, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 135600 Textured, 25 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
GLOVES 40/bx, 4 bx/cs 135650 Gloves, Surgical, Size 6, Nitrile, Sterile, PF,
135700 Textured, 25 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
Recommended for all types of surgery ANSELL PERRY® 135750 Gloves, Surgical, Size 6 1/2, Nitrile, Sterile, PF,
where robust barrier protection is ORTHOPAEDIC ULTRA- 135800 Textured, 25 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
necessary and glove puncture is likely, THICK STERILE 135850 Gloves, Surgical, Size 7, Nitrile, Sterile, PF,
especially orthopedic, OBGYN, trauma, SURGICAL GLOVES 135900 Textured, 25 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
cardiac, transplant and gastrointestinal. All Biogel gloves Gloves, Surgical, Size 7 1/2, Nitrile, Sterile, PF,
have the best freedom from holes (AQL 0.65). Every glove Thicker than standard surgical Textured, 25 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
is visually inspected for holes. Brown in color to potentially gloves to provide exceptional Gloves, Surgical, Size 8, Nitrile, Sterile, PF,
reduce glare. Typically 30% thicker then Biogel® Surgeons to strength and protection during rigorous orthopedic Textured, 25 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
provide durability and extra protection during more rigorous procedures. Lightly powdered. Brown with smooth finish. Gloves, Surgical, Size 8 1/2, Nitrile, Sterile, PF,
and/or longer procedures. Specially treated slip-resistant Beaded cuff. Textured, 25 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
surface enables grip and control of surgical instruments. Gloves, Surgical, Size 9, Nitrile, Sterile, PF,
Textured, 25 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
32160 Surgical Glove, Size 6, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free, 5721311 Surgical Gloves, Size 6, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
32165 40/bx, 4 bx/cs 5721312 Surgical Gloves, Size 6 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
32170 Surgical Glove, Size 6 1/2, Sterile, Latex, Powder 5721313 Surgical Gloves, Size 7, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
Free, 40/bx, 4 bx/cs 5721314 Surgical Gloves, Size 7 1/2, 50 pr/bx, 4 bx/cs
Surgical Glove, Size 7, Sterile, Latex, Powder Free,
40/bx, 4 bx/cs
108 Latex – Nitrile/Synthetic