Page 370 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 370

SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™ LIFE                                      SMITH & NEPHEW RENASYS-G                                        3 POINT PRODUCTS SCAR RX™
            SILICON GEL ADHESIVE FOAM DRESSING                                WOUND DRESSING KIT
                                                                                                                                              Everything you recommend for scar
            On wounds using three or more foam dressings per week,            Gauze dressing for negative pressure needs. Ideal for           care is included in one convenient
            ALLEVYN Life will remove the need for at least one of those       explored fistulas, circumferential and tunneling wounds. Fits   single-user kit. Includes products to
            dressing changes.                                                 most wound sizes and types. Simplified for quick and easy use   relieve adhesions, reduce the formation
                                                                              in the O.R. Enhances patient comfort upon application and       of hypertrophic scars and improve the
            66801067  Small, 10.3cm x 10.3cm, 10/bx, 10 bx/cs                 removal.                                                        appearance of scars. Each kit includes:
            66801068  Medium, 12.9cm x 12.9cm, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                                                                                 (1) SkinSational, (1) bottle each of SacredEarth® Botanicals
            66801069  Large, 15.4cm x 15.4cm, 10/bx, 6 bx/cs                  66800491  Small Kit Includes: 10FR Drain, Round, Non-           lotion and oil and (1) 2 1/2” x 5” sheet of Gel Mate silicone gel.
            66801070  X-Large, 21cm x 21cm, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                    66800492  Adherent Gauze 7cm x 7cm, Antimicrobial Gauze
            66801304  ALLEVYN Life Heel, 5/bx, 6 bx/cs                        66800493  4” x 4”, Transparent Film 10cm x 12cm, Saline         P9515   Scar Rx Kit
            66801306  Sacrum, Small, 17.2cm x 17.5cm, 10/bx, 6 bx/cs          66800494  Bullet, Skin Prep, Strip Paste, Wound Ruler, (2)
            66801307  Sacrum, Large, 21.6cm x 23cm, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs            66800495  Waterproof Tape, 15 pk/cs                             3M™ TEGADERM™
                                                                              66800497  Small Kit Includes: 10FR Drain, Flat, Non-            HYDROCOLLOID DRESSING
   SKIN &   SMITH & NEPHEW                                                    66800935  Adherent Gauze 7cm x 7cm, Antimicrobial Gauze
WOUND CARE  ALLEVYN™ PLUS                                                     66800936  4” x 4”, Transparent Film 10cm x 12cm, Saline         Sterile wound dressings which
            ADHESIVE DRESSINGS                                                          Bullet, Skin Prep, Strip Paste, Wound Ruler, (2)      consist of a hypoallergenic,
                                                                                        Waterproof Tape, 15 pk/cs                             hydrocolloid adhesive with an
            They have a unique trilaminate                                              Medium Kit Includes: 15FR Drain, Channel,             outer clear adhesive cover film
            structure made up from a wound                                              Non-Adherent Gauze 7cm x 20cm, Antimicrobial          impermeable to liquids, bacteria
            contact layer, a soft and highly absorbent central hydrocellular            Gauze Kerlix™ Fluff, Transparent Film 15cm x          and viruses. The inner layer of
            layer and an outer film layer, which is both bacteria proof                 20cm, Saline Bullet, Skin Prep, Strip Paste, Wound    hydrocolloid adhesive rapidly absorbs exudate faster than
            and waterproof. Has all the proven benefits of moist wound                  Ruler, (2) Waterproof Tape, 15 pk/cs                  the leading competitive hydrocolloid in the first 48 hours.
            healing, without any breakdown of the dressing caused                       Medium Kit Includes: 15FR Drain, Flat, Non-           The breathable outer film layer provides a consistently high
            by contact with exudates. The result is effective exudate                   Adherent Gauze 7cm x 20cm, Antimicrobial              rate of moisture vapor transmission. Together, these features
            management of these wounds, which have traditionally                        Gauze Kerlix™ Fluff, Transparent Film 15cm x          ensure an optimal moist wound environment, minimize the
            proved difficult to care for. Indicated for high to extra high              20cm, Saline Bullet, Skin Prep, Strip Paste, Wound    chance for damage to healthy periwound skin and provide
            levels of exudate absorption and the management of chronic,                 Ruler, (2) Waterproof Tape, 15 pk/cs                  extended wear for up to seven days.
            acute, full or partial thickness or shallow granulating, exuding            Large Kit Includes: 19FR Drain, Round, Non-
            wounds. Some typical wounds are ulcers (venous, arterial,                   Adherent Gauze 7cm x 20cm, Antimicrobial              90001   2 3/4” x 3 1/2” Oval, 5/bx, 20 bx/cs
            diabetic), pressure sores, donor sites, surgical incisions,                 Gauze Kerlix™ Fluff, Transparent Film 15cm x          90002   4” x 4” Square, 5/bx, 20 bx/cs
            surgical excisions and burns (1st and 2nd degree).                          20cm, Saline Bullet, Skin Prep, Strip Paste, Wound    90003   4” x 4 3/4” Oval, 5/bx, 12 bx/cs
                                                                                        Ruler, (2) Waterproof Tape, 15 pk/cs                  90004   5 1/2” x 6 3/4” Oval, 3/bx, 20 bx/cs
            66000805  Adhesive Dressing, 5” x 5”, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                        Large Kit Includes: 19FR Drain, Round, Non-           90005   6” x 6” Square, 3/bx, 20 bx/cs
            66000806  Adhesive Dressing, 7” x 7”, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                        Adherent Gauze 7cm x 20cm, Antimicrobial              90007   4.9” x 5 1/2” Sacral Design, 6/bx, 4 bx/cs
            66000807  Adhesive Dressing, 5” x 9”, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                        Gauze Kerlix™ Fluff, Transparent Film 15cm x
                                                                                        20cm, (2) Saline Bullet, (2) Skin Prep, Strip Paste,  3M™ TEGADERM™ THIN
            SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™                                                     Wound Ruler, (4) Waterproof Tape, 15 pk/cs            HYDROCOLLOID DRESSING
            PLUS CAVITY DRESSING                                                        Large Kit Includes: Soft Port, AMD Gauze 4 1/2
                                                                                        **NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE** x 4.1 yds, (2) Non-        Sterile wound dressings which
            Conforming dressing/filler for heavily                                      Adherent Gauze 3” x 8”, Transparent Film 8” x         consist of a hydrocolloid adhesive
            exuding and deep cavity wounds.                                             12”, Saline Bullet, Skin Prep, Wound Ruler, 5 bx/cs   with an outer clear adhesive
                                                                                        X-Large Kit Includes: Soft Port, (2) AMD Gauze 4      cover film impermeable to liquids,
                                                                                        1/2” x 4.1”, (4) Non-Adherent Gauze 3” x 8”, (3)      bacteria and viruses. Available in
                                                                                        Transparent Film 8” x 12”, (2) Saline Bullet, (2)     oval and square shapes.
                                                                                        Sachet of No-Sting Skin Prep, Wound Ruler, 5 bx/cs
            66047571  Cavity Dressing, 2”x 2 3/8”, 10/bx, 10 bx/cs                                                                            90021   2 3/4” x 3 1/2” Dressing, 4” x 4 3/4” Overall,
            66047573  Cavity Dressing, 4”x 4”, 5/bx, 20 bx/cs                 DERMA SCIENCES                                                          Oval, 10/bx, 10 bx/cs
            66047574  Cavity Dressing, 6”x 8”, 3/bx, 16 bx/cs                 MEDIHONEY® GEL                                                  90022   4” x 4” Square, 5/bx, 20 bx/cs
                                                                                                                                              90023   4” x 4 3/4” Dressing, 5” x 6” Overall, Oval,
                                                                              A patented formulation with 80%                                         10/bx, 6 bx/cs
                                                                              Active Leptospermum Honey and                                   90024   5 1/2” x 6 3/4” Dressing, 6 3/4” x 8” Overall,
                                                                              20% natural gelling agents, has improved physical stability,            Oval, 6/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                              allowing the product to remain at the site of the wound --
            SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™                                           even in the presence of wound fluid and body heat -- for an     ACELITY NU-DERM™
            PLUS THIN DRESSING                                                extended time.                                                  HYDROCOLLOID WOUND DRESSING

            Flexible dressing for wounds with                                 31805     MEDIHONEY® Gel, .5 fl oz, Twist-Off, 40/cs            Sterile dressings designed to promote a moist wound
            minimal exudate.                                                  31815     MEDIHONEY® Gel, 1.5 fl oz, 12/cs                      environment encouraging natural debridement and enabling
                                                                                                                                              granulation under optimal conditions. The dressing material
            66047576  Thin Dressing, 2” x 2”, 10/bx, 10 bx/cs                 PFIZER GELFILM® ABSORBABLE GELATIN FILM                         interacts with wound exudate to form a soft gel. The matrix
            66047578  Thin Dressing, 4” x 4”, 5/bx, 20 bx/cs                                                                                  formulation of the hydrocolloid allows it to be removed with
            66047579  Thin Dressing, 6” x 8”, 3/bx, 16 bx/cs                  1452 Sterile (Rx), 48/cs                                        the dressing, with little or no damage to newly formed tissue.
                                                                              1456 Sterile Ophthalmic (Rx), 6/pk, 8 pk/cs                     Features include low-friction backing, patented tapered
                                                                                                                                              edges, low profile tray design, skin-friendly adhesive, semi-
            SMITH & NEPHEW RENASYS-F                                          3 POINT PRODUCTS GEL                                            transparent, patented center-hinge design sacral dressing and
            FOAM DRESSING KIT                                                 MATE™ SILICONE GEL SHEETS                                       patented heel/elbow dressing design.

            Foam dressing for negative pressure                               Affordable, medical-grade silicone                              HCB102  Border Hydrocolloid Dressing (film backing),
            needs. Hydrophobic, open pore foam for                            gel softens scars and helps to reduce                           HCB106  2” x 2”, 20/tray, 5 tray/cs
            exudate removal. Integral groove.                                 adhesions and prevent hypertrophic                              HCF204  Border Hydrocolloid Dressing (film backing),
                                                                              scars. Self-adherent gel on one side adheres without tape.      HCF208  6” x 6”, 5/tray, 4 tray/cs
            66800411  Small Kit Includes: 10cm x 8cm x 3cm, Drain             The silky fabric outer layer makes it easy to wear under        HCS100  Standard Hydrocolloid Dressing (foam backing),
            66800412  Silicone, 19FR, Round, Drape 20” x 30”, 5 pk/cs         clothes. A measurement grid on the back helps determine the     HCT101  4” x 4”, 5/tray, 10 tray/cs
            66800413  Medium Kit Includes: 20cm x 12.5cm x 3cm, Drain         amount of sheeting issued and can be used to document the               Standard Hydrocolloid Dressing (foam backing),
            66800414  Silicone, 19FR, Round, Drape 20” x 30”, 5 pk/cs         scar’s progress as it reduces in size. Washable and reusable.           8” x 8”, 5/tray, 4 tray/cs
                      Large Kit Includes: 25cm x 15cm x 3cm, Drain            Will last through months of wear and proper care.                       Border Sacrum Hydrocolloid Dressing (film
                      Silicone, 19FR, Round, Drape 20” x 30”, 5 pk/cs                                                                                 backing), 6” x 7”, 5/tray, 4 tray/cs
                      X-Large Kit Includes: 43cm x 30cm x 3cm, Drain          P9510     Silicone Gel Sheet, 4” x 6”                                   Thin Hydrocolloid Dressing (film backing),
                      Silicone, 19FR, Round, Drape 20” x 30”, 5 pk/cs         P9510-5   Silicone Gel Sheet, 4” x 6”, 5/pk                             4” x 4”, 10/tray, 10 tray/cs
                                                                              P9511     Silicone Gel Sheet, 2 1/2” x 6”

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