Page 374 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 374

COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                 COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                            CROSSTEX ADVANTAGE
            SUPPLIES CURITY™                                                 SUPPLIES DERMACEA™                                          NON-WOVEN 4-PLY SPONGES
            GAUZE PADS                                                       NON-WOVEN SPONGES
                                                                                                                                         Unique rayon/polyester blend.
            Individually wrapped, 12-ply sterile                             Nonwoven 4-Ply sponges area a                               Provides maximum absorbency. Less
            gauze pads. Perforated carton for                                cost effective, highly absorbent                            adhesion to wounds for faster healing.
            easy office dispensing.                                          dressing ideal ofr applying                                 Soft, smooth, strong, virtually lint free.
                                                                             ointments, prepping, wiping                                 Ideal for sustained patient use, disinfecting, general cleaning.
            3381 Sterile, Peel-Back Package, 2” x 2”, 12-Ply,                needles, cleaning slides and more.
                           100/bx, 24 bx/cs                                                                                              ENC3NWLA 3” x 3”, Advantage, 30g, Non-Sterile, 4000/cs
                                                                             441400  4-Ply, 2” x 2”, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 40 bg/cs       ENC4NWLA 4” x 4”, Advantage, 30g, Non-Sterile, 2000/cs
            6132 Sterile, Peel-Back Package, 3” x 3”, 12-Ply,                441401  4-Ply, 3” x 3”, Non-Sterile, 4000/cs                ENCNWLA 2” x 2”, Advantage, 30g, Non-Sterile, 5000/cs
                           100/bx, 24 bx/cs                                  441402  4-Ply, 4” x 4”, Non-Sterile, 2000/cs
                                                                             441403  4-Ply, 2” x 2”, Sterile, 2s, 3000/cs
            6309 4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile 1s, 100/bx, 12 bx/cs               441410  4-Ply, 3” x 3”, Sterile, 2s, 2400/cs
                                                                             441411  4-Ply, 3” x 4”, Sterile, 2s, 1200/cs
            COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                 441412  4-Ply, 4” x 4”, Sterile, 2s, 1200/cs
   SKIN &   WOVEN ALL-PURPOSE                                                COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                   CROSSTEX ADVANTAGE PLUS®
WOUND CARE  SPONGES                                                          DERMACEA™ USP TYPE VII                                      NON-WOVEN 4-PLY SPONGES
                                                                             GAUZE SPONGES
            Ideal for applying ointments,                                                                                                ENCNWL 2” x 2”, Advantage Plus®, 35g, Non-Sterile,
            prepping, wiping needles, cleaning                               Made from 100% cotton. Well suited for                                     5000/ctn, 4 ctn/cs
            slides and more. Rayon/polyester                                 a variety of applications: wound dressing,
            blend construction. Cost effective. Highly absorbent. Virtually  general cleaning, minor prepping, wound                     CROSSTEX ALL GAUZE
            lint-free.                                                       packing and debriding.                                      PREMIUM NON-STERILE
            8042 Versalon All Purpose Sponge, Peel Back Pkg, 2” x            441203  2” x 2”, 8-Ply, Non-Sterile, 5000/cs
                           2”, Sterile 2s, 2/pk, 25pk/tray, 30 tray/cs       441204  2” x 2”, 8-Ply, Sterile 2s, 3000/cs                 Made from USP 100% gauze.
                                                                             441205  2” x 2”, 12-Ply, Non-Sterile, 8000/cs               Available in 8 ply or 16 ply. Highly absorbent.
            8043 Versalon All Purpose Sponge, Peel Back Pkg, 3” x            441206  3” x 3”, 12-Ply, Non-Sterile, 4000/cs
                           3”, Sterile 2s, 2/pk, 25pk/tray, 48 tray/cs       441208  3” x 3”, 12-Ply, Sterile 2s, 2400/cs                ENC2     Sponge, 2” x 2”, 8-Ply, 5000/cs
                                                                             441209  4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Non-Sterile, 2000/cs               ENC212   Sponge, 2” x 2”, 12-Ply, 8000/cs
            8044 Sponges, 4” x 4”, 4-Ply, Sterile 2s, 2/pk, 25pk/tray,       441210  4” x 4”, 16-Ply, Non-Sterile, 2000/cs               ENC312   Sponge, 3” x 3”, 12-Ply, 4000/cs
                           24 tray/cs                                        442211  4” x 4”, 8-Ply, Non-Sterile, 4000/cs                ENC38    Sponge, 3” x 3”, 8-Ply, 4000/cs
                                                                             442212  4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile 2s, 1200/cs                ENC412   Sponge, 4” x 4”, 12-Ply, 2000/cs
            8045 Versalon All Purpose Sponge, Soft Pouch, 4” x 4”,           442213  4” x 4”, 8-Ply, Sterile 2s, 1200/cs                 ENC48    Sponge, 4” x 4”, 8-Ply, 4000/cs
                           5/pk, 10pk/tray, 16 tray/cs                       442214  4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile 10s, 1280/cs
                                                                             442215  4” x 4”, 16-Ply, Sterile 10s, 1280/cs
            8046 Versalon All Purpose Sponge, Peel Back Pkg, 4” x
                           3”, 2/pk, 25pk/tray, 24 tray/cs                   COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                            CROSSTEX PREMIUM
                                                                             SUPPLIES EXCILON™                                           NON-WOVEN 4-PLY SPONGES
            8047 Non-Woven All-Purpose Sponges, Sterile 10s in               AMD SPONGES
                           Soft Pouch, 4” x 4”, 4-Ply, 10/pk, 10pk/tray, 16                                                              ENC3NW   3” x 3”, Premium, 40g, Non-Sterile, 4000/cs
                           tray/cs                                           7088 Drain Sponge, 4” x 4”, Sterile 2s in Peel Back         ENC4NW   4” x 4”, Premium, 40g, Non-Sterile, 2000/cs
                                                                                            Package, 50/tray, 12 tray/cs                 ENCNW    2” x 2”, Premium, 50g, Non-Sterile, 5000/ctn, 4 ctn/cs
            9022 Versalon All Purpose Sponge, 4-Ply, 2” x 2”, 200/                                                                       ENCNW4K  2” x 2”, Premium, 50g, Non-Sterile, 4000/cs
                           bg, 40 bg/cs                                      7089 IV Sponge, 2” x 2”, Sterile 2s in Peel Back Package,
                                                                                            70/tray, 20 tray/cs
            9023 Non-Woven All-Purpose Sponges, Non-Sterile,
                           Bulk, 3” x 3”, 4-Ply, 200/bg, 20 bg/cs            COVIDIEN/MEDICAL
                                                                             SUPPLIES KERLIX 4 X 4
            9024 Sponges, 4” x 4”, 4-Ply, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 10            SPONGES
                                                                             Prewashed, fluff-dried woven
            9026 Versalon All Purpose Sponge, 4-Ply, 4” x 3”, 200/           gauze with crinkle-weave
                           bg, 10bg/cs                                       pattern for loft and bulk to
                                                                             cushion and protect wound
            9132 Non-Woven All-Purpose Sponges, Non-Sterile,                 areas. Ideal for all-purpose
                           Bulk, 2” x 2”, 3-Ply, 200/bg, 25 bg/cs            floor use as well as superior primary dressing. Absorbency
                                                                             and texture ideal for prepping, cleansing, packing and
            9134 Versalon All Purpose Sponge, 3-Ply, 4” x 4”, 200/           debriding wounds.
                           bg, 20bg/cs
                                                                             4032 Kerlix Sponge, Bulk, 12-Ply, 100/bg, 20 bg/cs
            COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                 4588 Kerlix Sponge, 16-Ply, 1280/cs                         CROSSTEX ULTRA GAUZE™
            SUPPLIES DERMACEA™                                               5042 Kerlix Sponge, Bulk, 16-Ply, 2000/cs                   NON-WOVEN SPONGES
            GAUZE SPONGES                                                    5072 Sponge, 4” x 4”, Sterile 2s in Peel-Back Package,
                                                                                                                                         More absorbent than traditional
            The economy lines offers                                                        12-Ply, 50/tray, 24 tray/cs                  sponges. Releases easily from
            clinicians a cost effective                                      6120 Kerlix Sponge, 12-Ply, 1280/cs                         incision/extraction sites. Will not
            alternative for sterile and non-                                                                                             stick to surface.
            sterile 100% cotton gauze dressings.

            441000  4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile 2s, 25 pch/bx, 48 bx/cs                                                                     ENC3NWU  Sponge, 3” x 3”, 4-Ply, Non-Sterile, 4000/cs
            441001  4” x 4”, 8-Ply, Sterile 2s, 25 pch/bx, 48 bx/cs                                                                      ENC4NWU  Sponge, 4” x 4”, 4-Ply, Non-Sterile, 2000/cs
            441002  X-Ray Sponge, 4” x 4”, 16-Ply, Sterile,                                                                              ENCNWU   Sponge, 2” x 2”, 4-Ply, Non-Sterile, 5000/cs
                    10/pch, 135 pch/cs                                                                                                   ENCNWUB  Sponge, 2” x 2”, 4-Ply, Non-Sterile, 8000/cs
            441009  3” x 3”, 12-Ply, Sterile 2s, 25 pch/bx, 96 bx/cs
            441211  2” x 2”, 8-Ply, Sterile 2s, 50 pch/bx, 60 bx/cs                                                                      DERMA SCIENCES GAUZE
            441214  3” x 3”, 8-Ply, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 20 bg/cs
            441215  4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 20 bg/cs                                                                       99412           4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Non-Sterile, 2000/cs
            441216  4” x 4”, 16-Ply, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 20 bg/cs                                                                       AWCAGPGN2200BL  2” x 2”, 3000/cs
            441217  4” x 4”, 8-Ply, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 20 bg/cs                                                                        AWCAGPGS3300BK  3” x 3”, 1000/cs
            441218  2” x 2”, 12-Ply, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 40 bg/cs                                                                       FABACBCS341A06  Fabric, 3” Wide, Stretch, 72/cs
            441219  3” x 3”, 12-Ply, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 20 bg/cs
            442308  2” x 2”, 8-Ply, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 25 bg/cs

            340 Gauze Pads
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