Page 390 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 390

3M™ STERI-VAC™ PRINTER PAPER                                       M9-022 M9 UltraClave Automatic Sterilizer                         CERTOL PROEZ 2™ DUAL ENZYMATIC
                                                                                  M9D-022 M9D AutoClave® Automatic Sterilizer, Manual Door          INSTRUMENT DETERGENT
               1215A     2” x 150 ft, For Models 400B & 400C Sterilizers          Accessories
                         (Model 410 Printer), 2/cs                                9A224001 M9/ M9D Sterilizer Deep Tray                             ProEZ 2 is a low foaming, neutral pH, dual
               1216A     2 3/8” x 100 ft, For Models 4XL & 5XL Sterilizers, 2/cs  9A226001 Pouch Rack (M9 & M11)                                    enzymatic detergent for cleaning medical
               1217      3 1/8” x 100 ft, For Model 8XL Sterilizer, 2/cs                                                                            and dental instruments. ProEZ 2 is especially
                                                                                                                                                    useful for cleaning complex organic soils in
               CERTOL V-CIDE™ CHEMICAL                                            RITTER M9 ULTRACLAVE®                                             box locks, serrations and endoscopes. May
               VAPOR STERILANT SOLUTION                                           AUTOMATIC STERILIZER                                              be used as a presoak or in manual, ultrasonic
                                                                                  PRINTER                                                           and automated cleaning systems.
               Liquid chemical sterilant solution designed
               for use in unsaturated chemical vapor                              9A259001 Printer Accessory For M9-022, M9D-022,                   PREZ050 Enzymatic Detergent, Spigot, 5 Gal , 1/cs
               sterilizers. Improved formula reduces odor-                                       M11-022 & M11D-022                                 PREZ128 Enzymatic Detergent, 1 Gal, 4/cs
               causing agents. Does not corrode, rust or                                                                                            PREZ150 Enzymatic Detergent, 15 Gal Drum
               dull instruments. Cost-effective alternative                       RITTER M11 ULTRACLAVE®                                            PREZ550 Enzymatic Detergent, 55 Gal Drum
               for your chemical vapor sterilizer. Equivalent                     AUTOMATIC STERILIZER                                              PREZNP128 Dual Enzymatic Detergent & Ultrasonic Cleaning
               in performance and efficacy to Vapo-Steril®
               solution. Compatible with most materials                                                                                                            Detegent, 1 Gallon Re-Order without Pump, 4/cs
               used in the construction of medical and dental instruments.                                                                          PREZU24 Enzymatic Detergent, Concentrate, 1 oz Unit Dose

                                                                                                                                                                   Tubes, 24/bx, 6 bx/cs

               VC338     Liter Bottle, 16/cs                                      With its unique 11” x 18” chamber, it
                                                                                  provides the most sterilization capacity
                                                                                  of any standard countertop sterilizer
                                                                                  on the market, making it perfect for                              CERTOL PROEZ™ 1
               RITTER M3 ULTRAFAST®                                               larger packs and instruments. Easily
               AUTOMATIC STERILIZER                                               accessible, front fill and drain tube     M11-022                 An economical, low foaming single enzymatic
                                                                                                                                                    detergent designed to effectively clean
               The Ritter M3 sterilizes                                           features provides for simple and                                  delicate instruments. Works fast to dissolve
               unwrapped instruments and                                          efficient operation. Pre-programmed                               proteinaceous soils, speeding instrument
               handpieces in just 6 minutes and                                   sterilization cycle controls: Unwrapped                           turnaround in manual, ultrasonic or
               pouched instruments in just over                                   (132°C or 270°F for 3 minutes),                                   automated cleaning systems. Gentle to
               10, with the touch of a button.                                    Pouches (132°C or 270°F for 5             9A225001                instruments. A neutral pH formula is non-
               Progammability allows the dry time to be adjusted between          minutes), and Packs (121°C or 250°F                               corrosive and compatible with most metals,
               20 to 60 minutes. The M3 is easy to use with a one-step            for 30 minutes). Programmable cycle features allow custom         plastics and rubbers.
               loading operation, push-button cycle selection and automatic       creation of different cycle parameters for special sterilization
               door. Intelligent features monitor water levels for worry free     needs, such as the following; time (3 to 90 minutes),             EZ050    Enzymatic Detergent, 5 Gal Drum, 1/cs
STERILIZATION  operation. Ritter M3 is simple, intelligent and fast.              temperature (230 to 275°F), dry time (0 to 60 minutes), vent      EZ128    Enzymatic Detergent, 1 Gal, 1 oz Pump, 4/cs
               M3-003 Ritter M3, 115V, Ultrafast Automatic Sterilizer             (slow or fast) and two program buttons allow you to store the     EZ150    Enzymatic Detergent, 15 Gal Drum, 1/cs
                                                                                  custom cycles.                                                    EZNP128  Single Enzymatic Detergent & Ultrasonic Cleaning
                                                                                                                                                             Detegent, 1 Gallon Re-Order without Pump, 4/cs
                                                                                  M11-022 M11 UltraClave Automatic Sterilizer
                                                                                  9A225001 M11 Sterilizer Deep Tray

                         9A401001             9A402001                            MIDMARK SPEED-CLEAN                                               CERTOL PROEZ™ AW
               RITTER M3 ULTRAFAST® ACCESSORIES                                   AUTOCLAVE & STERILIZER CLEANER                                    QUAD ENZYME AUTOMATIC
                                                                                                                                                    WASHER DETERGENT
               9A401001 Printer For Ritter M3                                     002-0396-00 Speed-Clean, 16 oz Bottle
               9A402001 Door Tray For Ritter M3                                   002-0396-05 Speed-Clean, 16 oz Bottle, 12/cs                      A premium non-foaming quadruple enzyme
                                                                                                                                                    instrument cleaning detergent designed for
               9A260001            9A307001             M9-022                    CERTOL PROCLENSE™ ONE-STEP                                        use in high impingement automated washers/
                                                                                  INSTRUMENT DETERGENT                                              decontaminators. The four enzyme formula
                                                                                                                                                    rapidly digests complex soils. Anticorrosive
                                                                                  Powerful multipurpose detergent for                               system protects delicate instruments. Also
                                                                                  cleaning and lubricating stainless steel                          useful in manual, ultrasonic and endoscope cleaning systems.
                                                                                  surgical instruments in one step. Low                             Ideal for standardization.
                                                                                  foaming ProClense may be used in
                                                                                  manual systems, ultrasonic cleaners and                           PREZAW050 Spigot, 5 Gal
                                                                                  washer sterilizer/decontaminators.                                PREZAW128 1 Gal Bottle, 1 oz Pump, 4/cs
                                                                                                                                                    PREZAW150 15 Gal Drum
                                                                                  ICL128   Instrument Detergent, Gal, 4/cs                          PREZAW300 30 Gal Drum
                                                                                                                                                    PREZAW550 55 Gal Drum
                                                                                                                                                    PREZAWNP128 1 Gallon Re-Order without Pump, 4/cs

               M9D-022             9A224001             9A226001
               Today, more than ever, you need products that are reliable
               and simple to use. Load it.. . set it. . . and forget it. Select   CERTOL PROCLENSE™ PLUS                                                     PREZF128  PREZF240
               your cycle and the time is set for you. Once the sterilization                                                                       CERTOL PROEZ™ FOAM FOAMING ENZYMATIC
               process is complete, the door opens automatically and quietly      One-step alkaline moderate detergent                              SPRAY
               to dissipate the steam to give you fast drying time for your       lubricant. A non-foaming, multipurpose,                           Ready to use neutral pH, dual enzymatic, detergent foam
               instruments. Easy front access for filling and draining and        concentrated cleaner for surgical grade                           spray starts cleaning process and keeps soils from drying on
               controls that are easy to understand. The chamber size is 9”       stainless steel, titanium steel, aluminum,                        instruments. Protease and amylase enzymes dissolve complex
               diameter by 15” deep. Pre-programmed sterilization cycle           copper and brass instruments. Instrument                          soils; anti-corrosive system protects delicate instrumentation.
               controls: Unwrapped (132°C or 270°F for 3 minutes), Pouches        cleaner also conditions and lubricates                            Long lasting foam. Reduces spills and weight during transport.
               (132°C or 270°F for 5 minutes), and Packs (121°C or 250°F          metal-to-metal parts, reduces mineral                             May be used in existing container/delivery systems.
               for 30 minutes). Programmable cycle features allow custom          deposits and prevents rust/corrosion.
               creation of different cycle parameters for special sterilization   Intended for use in manual instrument
               needs, such as the following; time (3 to 90 minutes),              cleaning systems, ultrasonic cleaners and
               temperature (230 to 275°F), dry time (0 to 60 minutes), vent       washer/decontaminators.
               (slow or fast) and two program buttons allow you to store the
               custom cycles.                                                     PCNF050  Instrument Detergent, Spigot, 5 Gal
                                                                                  PCNF128  Instrument Detergent, 1 Gal Bottle, 1 oz Pump, 4/cs
               9A260001  M9/ M11 External Condensing Tank                         PCNF150  Instrument Detergent, 15 Gal Drum                        PREZF128 Refill Bottle Detergent, 1 Gal, 4/cs
               9A307001  M9/ M11 Cool Hand Tool (Tray & Cassette                  PCNF300  Instrument Detergent, 30 Gal Drum                        PREZF240 Bottle Detergent, 24 oz Pump Spray, 15/cs
                         Removal Tool)                                            PCNF550  Instrument Detergent, 55 Gal Drum

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