Page 392 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 392

SULTAN ZYMEX™                                                  EBL1       EBL2.5C                EBL5
               ENZYMATIC SOLUTION                                             WEIMAN ENZCYLEAN® PROTEASE ENZYME
                                                                              DETERGENT                                                                   B2 B3
               A low-sudsing, neutral pH enzymatic                            Specially formulated for use in washing equipment and for
               pre-cleaner for use on all types of                            safe manual use. Used for effectively and safely cleaning      WEIMAN HIGH SUDS NEUTRAL LIQUID &
               medical and dental devices. Its unique                         glass, plastic, rubber and metal surgical instruments and      POWDER DETERGENTS
               dual enzyme formulation removes                                equipment. Provides one step cleaning of delicate fiberoptic
               organic debris from all types of surgical                      equipment. It leaves instruments moving freely and spot-free.  B2 High-Suds Neutral Liquid Detergent, Gallon, For
               and dental instruments in seconds.                             It is designed to be used on instrumentation immediately                      Manual & Automatic Wash, 4/cs
               It’s unique formula of enzymes and                             following the surgical procedure. Minimizes instrument
               non-ionic detergents removes the                               handling, thus reducing exposure to potentially infectious     B3 High Suds Neutral Powder Detergent, 5 lb, 6/cs
               most stubborn soils, without staining                          organic contaminants. It ensures the thorough and complete
               or damaging delicate instruments. Free-rinsing , won’t leave   cleaning of equipment and instruments, a prerequisite to                IW20 R6A T-5
               a film on your instruments, low-foaming for use in ultrasonic  the completion of the decontamination process. The enzyme
               cleaners, reprocessors, and washer/sterilizers ñ 100%          in this detergent quickly disintegrates organic soils in hard  WEIMAN INSTRUMENT CARE
               biodegradable                                                  to reach areas, including lumens, channels and box locks.
                                                                              The enzyme breaks down (actually digests) the organic soils,   Cool Soak Rust & Stain Remover removes rust, stains and
               21389    Super Foaming, 22 oz Spray Bottle, 6/cs               and the detergent removes them completely, holding them        mineral deposits from stainless steel instruments and helps
                                                                              in suspension and avoiding redepositing on the cleaned         restore original luster to metal. Cool Soak can also be used
                                                                              surfaces.                                                      to clean and descale autoclaves. Stain-Away Wipes are
                                                                                                                                             convenient, ready to use wipes for removing stains from
               WEIMAN ALKA-WASH DETERGENT                                     EBL1     Gallon, 4/cs                                          stainless steel instruments.Adhesive Remover eliminates
                                                                              EBL2.5C  Super, 2.5 Gallon, 2/cs                               adhesive residue from surfaces and skin.
               A moderate pH, low-foaming detergent that can be used for      EBL5     5 Gallon                                              IW20 Stain-Away Instrument Wipes, 20-Ct, 6/pk
               cleaning glassware, surgical instruments, rubber, metal and                                                                   R6A Adhesive Remover, 16 oz, 12/cs
STERILIZATION  plastic items. This product safely and effectively removes     WEIMAN ENZYCLEAN II DUAL                                       T-5 Cool Soak Stain & Rust Remover, Gallon, 4/cs
               blood and tissue. Alka-Wash is effective when used in          ENZYMATIC DETERGENT
               ultrasonic units and with all types of automatic washers,                                                                     WEIMAN RINSE AID
               including cart washers. It contains special ingredients that   Specially formulated pre-soak and cleaner
               make it safe for use on most metals. It should not be used on  designed to effectively and safely clean                       Neutralizer Rinse effectively neutralizes
               anodized aluminum.                                             glass, plastic, rubber, and metal surgical                     high alkaline detergents to allow spot free
                                                                              instruments and equipment. Provides                            drying. It should be used in combination
               AW1B     Alka-Wash Alkaline Detergent, Gallon, 4/cs            one step cleaning of delicate fiber optic                      with highly alkaline detergents in
               AW5B     Alka-Wash Alkaline Detergent, 5 Gallon                equipment such as endoscopes and                               automated washers. Rinse Aid is designed
               AWH2.5C  Alka-Wash Alkaline Detergent, Super                   cystoscopes, as well as other surgical                         for use in cart washers and automated
                        Concentrate, 2.5 Gallon Detergent, 2/cs               instruments including those used for eye,                      washers to promote spot free drying of glass, stainless steel,
                                                                              cardiovascular and general surgery. The                        aluminum, and chrome instruments and equipment.
                                                                              dual enzyme formula contains two different enzymes that        BR-1 Spot-Free Rinse Aid, 5 Gallon
                                                                              break down proteins and carbohydrates.                         CA5B Neutralizer Rinse, 5 Gallon

                                                                              B9 Enzyme Detergent, Gallon, 4/cs
                                                                              ENF1 NS Dual Enzyme No Suds Detergent, Gallon, 4/cs
                                                                              ENF5 NS Dual Enzyme No Suds Detergent, 5 Gallon
                                                                              Z6 LS Dual Enzyme Low Suds Detergent, Gallon, 4/cs

               WEIMAN AUTOMATIC WASHER                                        WEIMAN ENZYCLEAN® MULTIPLE                                     METREX METRICIDE 28®
               DETERGENTS & ULTRASONICS                                       ENZYMATIC DETERGENT                                            DISINFECTING SOLUTION

               Specially formulated for use in washing equipment and for      Specially formulated for use in washing                        A long-life, buffered glutaraldehyde that
               safe manual use. Used for effectively and safely cleaning      equipment and for safe manual use. Used for                    can be used and reused as a sterilant
               glass, plastic, rubber and metal surgical instruments and      effectively and safely cleaning glass, plastic,                and high-level disinfectant for up to 28
               equipment. It leaves instruments moving freely and spot-free.  rubber and metal surgical instruments and                      days. Recommended for immersible
                                                                              equipment. Provides one step cleaning of                       medical and dental instruments. Contains
               B-6      Low Suds Neutral Liquid Detergent, 5 Gallon           delicate fiberoptic equipment. It leaves                       a surfactant to enhance the disinfection
               B-7      Low Suds Neutral Liquid Detergent, 15 Gallon          instruments moving freely and spot-free. It                    process and contains a rust-inhibitor to
               B1       Low Suds Neutral Liquid Detergent, Gallon, 4/cs       is designed to be used on instrumentation                      reduce corrosion. No dilution is required.
               DM2.5C   Low Suds Neutral Liquid Detergent, Super              immediately following the surgical procedure. Minimizes
                        Concentrate, 2 1/2 Gallon, 2/cs                       instrument handling, thus reducing exposure to potentially     10-2800  MetriCide 28, Gallon, 4/cs
                                                                              infectious organic contaminants. It ensures the thorough       10-2805  MetriCide 28, Qt, 16/cs
                                                                              and complete cleaning of equipment and instruments, a
               WEIMAN CUTS-IT® GEL                                            prerequisite to the completion of the decontamination          METREX METRICIDE PLUS 30®
               INSTRUMENT PRE-SOAK SPRAY                                      process. The enzymes in this detergent quickly disintegrate    DISINFECTING SOLUTION
                                                                              organic soils in hard to reach areas, including lumens,
               Specially formulated to safely remove blood, fat,              channels and box locks. The enzymes break down (actually       A long-life, 3.4% buffered glutaraldehyde
               tissue and body fluids from surgical instruments               digest) the organic soils, and the detergent removes them      that can be used and reused at full strength
               and equipment. The unique chemical properties                  completely, holding them in suspension and avoiding            for up to 28 days. It is the extra-strength
               penetrate and solubilize blood and fats. The                   redepositing on the cleaned surfaces.                          solution for the sterilization and disinfection
               gelling agents allow the product to adhere to                  128EME IV Multiple Enzyme Detergent, 1 Gallon, 4/cs            of immersible medical and dental
               instruments and soil. The blue dye makes it easy                                                                              instruments.
               for the user to ensure uniform coverage. The                   WEIMAN GOO GONE SPECIAL PURPOSE CLEANER
               wetting agents will keep instruments moist for                                                                                10-3200  MetriCide Plus 30 Gallon, 4/cs
               hours, allowing for safer and easier processing in             Problem cleaner removes gum, grease, blood and other           10-3205  MetriCide Plus 30 Qt, 16/cs
               decontamination.                                               tough stains.
                                                                              2087 Special Purpose Cleaner, 8 oz, 12/cs
               BC32G    Cuts-It® Gel Pre-soak Spray, 32 oz, 12/cs

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