Page 391 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 391

CERTOL PRORINSE™ CONCENTRATED                                                                                                 METREX METRIWASH™
INSTRUMENT & CART RINSE                                                                                                       INSTRUMENT DETERGENT
PRR050  5 Gallon Drum
PRR128  1 Gallon, 4/cs                                                                                                        For manual and ultrasonic cleaning of surgical
PRR150  15 Gallon Drum                                                                                                        instruments. Neutral pH 7-8. No phosphates,
                                                                                                                              chlorides, hydroxides. Biodegradable. Rinses
                                                                                                                              freely. Non-corrosive.

                                                                        10-4100  10-4400                                      10-3300    MetriWash Gallon, 4/cs
                                                             METREX EMPOWER™ DUAL ENZYMATIC                                   10-3315    MetriWash 15 Gallon
CERTOL PROWASH™                                              DETERGENT                                                        10-3330    MetriWash 30 Gallon
MULTIPURPOSE DETERGENT &                                     A dual-enzymatic detergent that effectively cleans away          10-3350    MetriWash 5 Gallon
CART WASH CONCENTRATE                                        blood, tissue, mucous and other protein-rich body fluids.
                                                             Contains two proteolytic enzymes. Safe for most instruments:     METREX METRIZYME® DUAL
A neutral pH, non-foaming concentrated                       Less corrosive than distilled water. Removes bioburden and       ENZYMATIC DETERGENT
instrument washer detergent. Effective                       water-soluble material such as composite and pumice. Works
cleaning for all types of metal and plastic                  fast. Low-foaming formula is ideal for use in evacuation lines.  A neutral pH, non-corrosive 12% dual
instruments, aluminum items, trays                           Fresh scent.                                                     enzymatic detergent designed to lift
and carts. Chelating and rinse agents                                                                                         proteinaceous matter and bodily fluids from
compensate for hard water conditions and reduces spotting    10-4100  EmPower Gallons, 4/cs                                   the surfaces of instruments, particularly
making it ideal for use in high pressure cart washers.       10-4102  EmPower 2 oz, 48/cs                                     lenses, lock boxes and channels. Assists
                                                             10-4115  EmPower 15 Gallon, 1/cs                                 in the process of disinfection/sterilization
PW050   ProWash 5 Gal Bottle, Spigot, 1/cs                   10-4150  EmPower 5 Gallon, 1/cs                                  by enabling them to work on “clean”
PW128   ProWash 1 Gal Bottle, 1 oz Pump, 4/cs                10-4400  EmPower Cleaner, Fragrance Free, Gallon, 4/cs           instruments. The protein-dissolving enzymes allows a
PW150   ProWash 15 Gal Drum                                                                                                   fast, simple removal of body fluids that often cannot be
PW300   ProWash 30 Gal Drum                                                                                                   accomplished manually with soaps or detergents. Non-
PW550   ProWash 55 Gal Drum                                                                                                   corrosive and safe for use on medical and surgical equipment
                                                                                                                              and has a pleasant mint fragrance.
                                                             METREX EMPOWER™ FOAM
                                                             FOAMING ENZYMATIC SPRAY                                          10-4000-4  MetriZyme Gallon, 4/cs                                STERILIZATION
                                                                                                                              10-4005    MetriZyme Qt, 4/cs
                                                             A ready-to-use foaming dual enzymatic                            10-4010    MetriZyme 1/2 Gallon, 4/cs
                                                             spray that starts the precleaning process                        10-4015    MetriZyme 15 Gallon
                                                             chairside by breaking down blood,                                10-4030    MetriZyme 30 Gallon
                                                             tissue, mucous and other protein-rich                            10-4050    MetriZyme 5 Gallon
                                                             body fluids from instruments. Contains                           10-4055    MetriZyme 55 Gallon
                                                             two proteolytic enzymes. Safe for most
        65201           65224                                instruments: Less corrosive than distilled
HALYARD MULTI-ENZYME DETERGENT                               water. Breaks down bioburden and
Proper cleaning of medical devices is the critical step in   water-soluble materials. Presoaking                              MICRO-SCIENTIFIC MICROZYME-D® DETERGENT
decontamination, prior to disinfection or sterilization.     prevents drying, speeding up the cleaning process. Ready to
Kimberly-Clark’s new Multi-Enzyme Detergent, with a          use in a convenient sprayer. Fresh scent.                        A unique economical concentrated dual enzyme/detergent
synergistic formulation of enzymes plus detergent, rapidly   10-4224 EmPower™ Foam Enzymatic Spray, 24 oz, 12/cs              pre-soak and cleaner for use on surgical instruments and
removes contaminants from reusable medical devices. The                                                                       endoscopes. This dual enzyme formula effectively digests
Pre-Cleaning Detergent Spray begins the process of breaking                                                                   bio-burden including, synthetic lipids, natural fats, blood,
down medical soils on devices following procedures; a quick                                                                   carbohydrates, starches, proteins and other organic and non-
spray thoroughly coats external instrument surfaces and                                                                       organic soil.
helps maintain a moist environment during transport.                                                                          MZD04-128 Microzyme-D® Dual Enzyme Detergent Pre-Soak

65201   Multi-Enzyme Detergent, 1 Gallon Bottle                                                                                              and Cleaner, 1 Gallon, 4/cs
65224   & 1 Pump, 4/cs
        Pre-Cleaning Detergent Spray,                                 10-9300                     10-9350                     MICRO-SCIENTIFIC OPTI-KLEEN® BLADE
        24 oz Spray Bottle, 12/cs                            METREX METRISHINE™ DESCALER & RUST                               CLEANING SYSTEM

                                                             REMOVER                                                          An efficient and safe method for cleaning tissue and
                                                             A two-in-one product that enhances the life and efficiency of    other debris from the surfaces of scalpel blades prior to
J&J/ASP CIDEX® GI ENZYMATIC                                  instruments, automated washers and equipment. Removes            sterilization. Utilizing a proprietary soft, foamlike material,
DETERGENT SOLUTION                                           water scale and mineral deposits in automated washers and        impregnated with OptiKleen instrument cleaning detergent
                                                             autoclaves. Removes rust stains, spotting and corrosion from     that loosens proteins and other deposits, along with USP
Uniquely formulated for the cleaning                         stainless steel instruments. Free rinsing, does not leave a      grade filtered rinse water, blades can be safely cleaned
cycle in ASP’s Evotech® ECR and                              residue. Saves money by restoring instruments instead of         without scratching, dulling, chipping or breaking.
automated endoscope reprocessors.                            replacing or repairing them.
It is biodegradable, inhibits rust, and                                                                                       OKD-001 Opti-Kleen® Cleaning Tray, 12/bx, 2 bx/cs
is uniquely formulated with multiple                         10-9300  MetriShine, 1 Gallon, 4/cs                              OKHT-001 Opti-Kleen® Holding Tray with Cover
enzymes to provide faster, more thorough penetration to      10-9350  MetriShine, 5 Gallon
effectively remove bioburden.

22591   Enzyme Solution, 3.8 Liter, 2/cs

J&J/ASP ENZOL®                                               METREX METRISPONGE®                                              SULTAN ZYMEX™ DUAL ENZYME
ENZYMATIC DETERGENT                                          DUAL ENZYMATIC
                                                             DETERGENT                                                        21380      Zymex Dual Enzyme, Gallon, 4/cs
A mild, low foaming enzymatic detergent.                                                                                      21381      Zymex Dual Enzyme, 32 oz, 4/cs
Starts to work in 1 minute at room                           A unique specially contoured
temperature and has a pleasant mint                          sponge saturated with MetriZyme
fragrance.                                                   that simplifies the effective pre-
2252 Enzymatic Detergent, Gallon, 4/cs                       cleaning of surgical instruments
                                                             and endoscopes. Its unique shape
                                                             enables thorough cleaning of cylindrical surfaces without
                                                             scratching delicate surfaces.
                                                             10-4025 MetriSponge, 25/bx, 4 bx/cs

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